Monday, February 28, 2005

Woa!!! Today is extremely boring... I thought tt we are going to get back the exam papers but in the end all the teachers came to class empty-handed... Wah liao, scared to death for nth... haiz.. hopeless sia, omg, i think i am going to fail some subs... Which is like so embarassing... i very worried leh!!!!!!! Pray god to make me have better results...
Sci lesson makes me wanna sleep!!! i feel like dying during ms lee's lesson. It is like so boring and i regret not drinking coffee b4 her lessson... Makes me wanna sleep so much plus i did not sleep well the night b4... Bad timing... She is a nice teacher but she toks so monotone and keep repeating and repeating the same old thing, where in the 1st place we noe liao... haiz... I need coffee next time... Muz remember to get some next time...

I say. 9:04 PM

Saturday, February 26, 2005

hihi...i'm back...Wahaha!very long nvr write liao cuz i feel so slacky...haha...Today got project to do again...Almost everyday oso got project...So tiring, exams juz finish...haiz...the papers like all very dif but hopefully i can pass everything or i'll be dead nth to write today all crap...juz hope tt all will go well for me but dunno y, i feel abit sad today although i finally noe tt xy dun hate me but i still feel abit sad...hemm...maybe tmr will be a better day for me...

I say. 9:00 PM

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Yoz...Happy belated valentine to everyone!!!Firstly, i muz wish all couples happy always and all other may find luv too...Lolz,sounds quite lame...Not a gd day for me but at least now, our class got aircon!!!!Woh...Although i still thought the room was very warm but at least it is now air-conditioned...Muahahaz...Got a fan painting compeition yesterday and i won the first prize...Aren't i gd?hehe... drew some bamboos and a pair of pandas... hard work and i was actually the last to leave the place... slow poke sia... Haiz...Horrible day... Somebody juz hated me...[tag board] but hu cares?Anyway it is very lame to go to ppl's blog and scold them... So wad if i suck?It is none of the perons's business anyway... "No name"sounds like so bu yao lian, y not chose a cooler name? Can't she juz put down her name, it's not as if i dunno hu put the message up there... So bo liao of her...haiz,pathetic,pathetic... but i m very touched by those hu stood up for me cuz all of u r really my greatest pals... Thankz Shuz and 'mysterious person'... (",)

I say. 8:00 PM

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Hihi again!!!Yay!! today friends came to visit, come bai nian...haha...At first was quite boring as nth to do but soon we did some lame things and it turned out to be quite fun...Thank u geraldine, hui shan and george for coming to my house...haha...lame but nice. We tried to check our future and mine was quite funny... nth to sae... I really hope tt we can gather together again... maybe go somewhere else... Yay... Gosh! haven complete my hwk!! Tmr still got some art compeition... Sounds stupid right? Tts was wad i thought lah... Well, happy valentine tmr everyone... Hope u can receive prezzies from ur crush or love ones...tata, this is Cai Bei signing off...

I say. 5:45 PM

Friday, February 11, 2005

Boring day today!!!!!Hate it!!!Stupid marathon!!!!Muz run like hell...I dun understand y i keep running half way then stop...Bunny keeps running and stopping which is abit crap!!Haiz...but cannot blame her cuz i oso dun feel like running...lolz...Ran pass many teachers on patrol but got one i see the most bu shuang...Pretended not to see him and ran passed, hahaz... Gryphon won the best cheering house and the best mascot...So cool!!!Although i did not run well but at least i do abit of cheering... bu yao lian...Haiz...Freak i m so sad!Common test coming and still got band tmr...Need to study harder!!!Study harder is my motto for now!!!haha...tata for now cuz i really have nth to write...Erm... i m sad...Going to sleep makes me feel better and tts wad i'm going to do now!!!

I say. 9:07 PM

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hey...Happy CNY to everyone...This may be the most boring CNY for me cuz its like really damn boring...Haiz...So sad,some more so much hwk...Opening of my new blog again, cuz my the other doesnt work anymore for god noe wad reason but at least this is working for me... Yawn...Tired,tata as there is sch tmr...

I say. 9:59 PM


welcome to MY BLOG:D
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

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rule #2 Dun INSULT!


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FLH xie zhen
TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



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Designer: P.A:D,


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