Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hi...TOday,i m so depressed by the fact tt i cant perform tmr... Well, as wad mr wong had said, the stage is not big enough(crap...) so non-syf ppl r not allowed to perform tmr... I means quite of a big deal to me tho i onli get to play a minor part... I lurve the songs and wished to perform but they juz dun give a chance to us... i m quite sick to going for my cca... haiz...nth much to do except to teach the sc 1s... Not tt they r bad but i'll get tired of teaching once in aawhile tho i like my juniors very much this year... muz interact wif them more!!!! yay... Gd news today, got quite gd resluts for some assignments and i m quite plz wif it... (",) at least my results improved... I finally got into F1 comp... so happy, tho i think my prodesktop sux...actually not tt bad lah but i m oso not tt great so maybe an average... wad crap m i toking... haiz... depressed but at least got some gd news to report... i've changed my blog skin again... haha, lurve the effect but hate the time i wasted... hee... cuz i changed the song and thus have to change loads of things... cannot put video or else the whole thing will corrupt so i felt abit disappointed but i still like the effects... hope u do too... feel free to tag my board but bout the choice of song, no complains plz cuz i really like tt song...(",) tho u can gif some ideas of wad song shld i put next...

I say. 10:50 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I can't believe it!!! Holiday is ending so soon...So sad mann... Haiz, i haven even completed my hwk yet... Quite long nvr post entries liao, abit lazy to do it but today i juz had a great night i feel tt i wanna share wif u ppl...lolz... We went for a mini band exchange programme wif others band and they played the SYF pieces for us while we play for them ours too... It took a long time to finish hearing all the bands but i felt tt the band which made me the most amazed was Yuhua's... Their percussion section was like omg!!! So pro and fast... The gal playing the tambourine was so damn pro and her thumbroll was superb, i could nvr do it, i cant even make a proper thumbroll... haiz, Other bands were very good too like RI, their song was very nice...Our band rox too!!!I didn't noe they could play so well liao!!!!
After tt we were dismissed. Hui yi and i went to the lib to do hwk and end up, i onli did a few questions of assign 5. so sad... Hehe... I thought the nicest part was the percussion emsemble. At 1st it was like damn boring but after mr sim played the drumset, we were like omg and WOW!!!! He is so damn cool... His hands were like moving all around the drums and look so cool n wif style too... i think i can nvr do tt in a million years but at least i noe abit which is better than nth... hehe... He is my new idol mann... i dun believe it!!He can play so fast!!! the rythme is so cool oso... lolz, the conductor was oso very cool, he dance wif the music and look as if he is giving the timing by shaking his butt instead of his hands...So comical... No offence though but it was quite okay although i will nvr eva be able to follow his timing as the way he conduct is very erm... ... unique... hoho...Although its like tt but i still find him quite cool... at least with his own way of unique style... lolz...Woa, its late and i gotta sleep.. Nightz to ppl hu r still awake...

I say. 12:18 AM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yay!! finish exams liao and got back all my papers liao... Got improve abit from last year's results... Everyone clapped for me today cuz ms liew said i improved... hehe... So i 'm hap- hap- happy!!!! Although hist results very lousy but at least maths improved alot... not thanks to tongy but becuz of my tuition teacher... Got scolded by him today again... I seem to be always scolded by him... Everytime see him oso get scolded and seems to always pick on me... I not exactly a guai guai student lor for goodness seek but he thinks i m one so i always get scolded but alottle bit of things which is like so damn crap!!!!!!! hate him... Always call me and give me so many stupid instructions then in class always scold me... sucker lah!!!!! Sae wad "stanley may not be happy to ans my call after sch hrs so i call u instead" Wad lame excuses lor... stupid oso, cuz i oso dun like to ans his call AFTER SCH HOURS!!!!! Freak, the thought of him makes me wanna puke... yucky guy!!!! Have odessy tmr then todae he suddenly wanna give us extra remedial tmr juz becuz we did not do our wsts properly... Now we have to worry bout not being able to complete the script in time liao... i hate him mann!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!!! ~breathe in... out~ relax myself abit... haiz... Got tonns of hwk... muz go pia liao so tataz...

I say. 7:50 PM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hiya...Todae is like so cool cuz we onli have half day school, yay! then i spent the whole afternoon at the lib chatting with gel they all and we onli left after like many hours had pass... Time passes so quickly, hemm... maybe is becuz we have loads of crap to gossip about... hahax... Right now, we r discussing whether we shld have chalet on June holi's but if for me, no prob i cant go cuz my results not gd, parents angry, got grounded... blah blah blah and stuffs like tt but dun care i still manage to sneak out... Muahahax...hee... Actually i m very guai one but hemm... got infuence by others or did I influence the others instead?! hemm... good question but i perfer to think tt others influence me... hehe... haiz... Got some cute juniors this year... But quite naughty lah, nvr really interact wif them b4 but they look abit naughty to me... FIne, i will TRY to be nice and teach patiently if i have to cuz i oso dun wanna the juniors to hate me so muz be nice to them... Problem is; i may not be able to keep my cool... hemmm... Shld control myself more b4 i blow my top them... Heehee :)
*plz: Got new blog music, if u dun think is nice then plz off ur speaker cuz i dun wish to change the song to wad u want... Thanks :)

I say. 9:08 PM


welcome to MY BLOG:D
Site: fantasticgirlz.blogspot.com
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

rule #1 tag!
rule #2 Dun INSULT!


customized~ funky!
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personalised! :D


FLH xie zhen
TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



My Friendster -
Samantha -
Charlene -
Chuan Min -
George -
Shusi -


Hosts: 001 002 003
Fonts: DF.com
Brushes: M.de, FM.net, JC.net, RM.org, FS.org
Designer: P.A:D, Pinked-.BS.com


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