Friday, April 22, 2005

hey ppl... I chabge my blogskin liao^^ duh, isn't it obvious? Well, i noe tt the blogskin really contradict with the music but wad can i sae? i lurve the music and juz die die oso wanna put it inside^^ hah... juz leave ur comments and i'll see if the comments r really tt bad:( hopefully not tho cuz the song rawks!!!!! haha...i lurve gundam seed mann, not onli becuz the graphics was good but the songs are juz so awesome!!! If u guyz noe wad's the freedom and justice gundam, i would definitely prefer the freedom gundam which Kira was riding... It was juz so damn cool!!!! haha... i juz have to tok abit bout my fav animes... I'm juz an anime freak...hahaha ^^ As ppl can see from my profile, i lurve all sorts of anime bu didn't manage to write down all(juz my faves:D) So ppl, if u r very interested in anime too, then juz leave ur comment at the tagboard juz to let me noe tt there is oso anime freaks around... haha^^

I say. 9:49 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Yoz, i'm back!haha... we had home econs lesson today and this is our practical test lesson... It turned out to be very horrible as our chicken turned out to be not cooked! I was so guilty cuz i forgot to bring the bacon... in the end, we had to buy ham from the canteen to replace the bacon... it was okay lah but the chicken is still not cooked... I didnt noe tt we r suppose to grill the chicken instead of juz frying it on the pan! Quite stupid rite? the teacher said tt our meal is juz like a kiddy meal, well, i'm juz a kid not yet an adult so i wanna make a meal which please my taste bud wad! Stupid lor, wah liao... The onli gd thing was the brownies, they were very nice... The chicken were taken to grill it again and when its ready, everyone wanted to taste it... they said it was okay lah, tts wad i think too^^ haha... Its quite of a bad day for home econs but haiz... at least now its over...
After home econs, we had to rush to Mac for tuition... Quite stupid lah we r actually late for 15 mins and tried to bluff it off... lolz... Tuition was okay but i seem to be sometimes understand the concept and sometimes dun... Die liao, exams coming!!! I think we r fighting got time lor or else i dun think can finish on time... even the teachers in sch r going to have to pia or else we will not be prepared for the mid year exams... i quite worried for my hist, sci, chi, maths etc and practically all the subs!!! Freak...i think i die liao lah... juz be hopeful tt i will not fail my sci paper cuz i always seem to do very badly for it... XP and tt is quite of a horrible thing to happen... Haiz, i'm starting to be very naggy, fine! i dun sae animore i shld juz go to sleep... Nitez everyone!

I say. 10:15 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

I hate the ms liew lah!!!wah liao, she actually sae we cannot choose our own group for the e-lit dramatization!!! How can she sae tt?????? Its unfair lor!!! I'm pissed mann... She sae like muz work with other ppl and interact more instead of always doing with the same ppl during projects... But this is like a long term project and have to last up to 2 months including the holidaes!!!! She gives out every project oso like tt, cannot choose our own groups... Unfair!!!! Wah liao... i bu shuang...
Did the home-econs thingy again... Haiz, have to change dish bcuz mrs tan sae cannot cook one whole chicken and our whole project last till 10... siao rite? but bo bian... This time the food more satisfying... hee...I have to pray hard tt tmr will be a fine day and my food will turn out to be delicious... Yumm...hee... Spend quite alot of money on home- econs but i quite like this project lah so dun mind...^^
F1 is HORRIBLE!!!! i didn't noe there was F1 meeting today and i left to buy ingredients...then when i see gel at NTUC then she suddenly tell me got F1 meeting and Yi sheng and sze kiat were very angry with... Not to mention the teachers oso... They sae they will not allow us to join if we CONTINUE TO DO NTH... Did we really do nth? how can they like sae tt juz bcuz we nvr turn up and i dun even noe there is F1 meeting! The teachers oso nvr sae tt we have F1 today then suddenly without any info at all said tt there is meeting today and we did not turn up for it... I so sad till i felt like crying liao... Well, next time i hope tt if there is meeting for F1, i'll be informed of it in case the teacher sae our group did nth and is like the slackiest group ever and get kicked out of the team... Today, i very bu shuang lah... Woa...*sob* *sob*

I say. 10:50 PM

Friday, April 15, 2005

Yay, one gd news for all...Band gotten GOLD WITH HONOURS!!! for syf i mean...^^Felt happy for them, this year loads of performing arts group gotten gold with honour for syf... haiz, Band really under great pressure but now finally is over and got gold with honour!!! Now, i have to worry bout my results... tho i still gotten A1 for maths but results drop abit liao, so sad... I lost alot of marks in the symmetry thingy... FREAK!!! i muz be cock eye sometimes, cannot visualise properly... then all my marks gone:( so sad but i think my sci even worse... dun wish to tok bout it. Makes me too upset and wanna cry ;(
Got loads of projects nowadays and its driving me crazy liao!!!! I think the most stupid one is the egg dropping competition... muz do damn loads of stupid things for juz tt chicken egg to float in the air, i prefer to juz eat up the egg or juz throw it down... i think we r gonna waste loads of precious eggs and the poor chickens have to lay so much for us to drop... haha, quite lame...=.="
I lurve the E-Lit dramatization project!!!Oh...dramatic. Gonna work with the same group this year onli tt Karen is gone and Chuan Min join us... Going to do , i dun understand y muz we act as animals this time? so pathetic...tho seriously speaking, i prefer to do the props as u noe props are very important in the play^^ Dunno if i can be the leader this year leh... see first lah^^Yea... projects can be tedious at times but i think we can be really proud of our own piece of work when everything is completed... i think tt everyone shld be proud of their project work and at least put in some efforts, i believe if u put in ur soul into doing the project... u will be soo proud of it... Like wad happen last year for dramatisation^^ Cheers... hope all goes well this year...
Last but not least, my group F1 ppl jia youz!!! All the best and muz beat the 'u noe hu's group...^^tts all, cyaz and i m signing off-------->

I say. 8:57 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005

PRESSURE...It's like killing me alrdy...I onli feel peace when i m sleeping and sometimes i can't even get a gd nite sleep w/out thinking about wad is gonna happen tmr...I feel that Sch life is pushing me too hard... i haven so much projects and tests tt i dunno wad to do anymore. Ppl say that CCA shld be for enjoyment not for torture. Well, sometimes i think is nice but sometimes i think i m way too lousy... I really gonna fall sick one day. I dun even have a fren to confine to now, everyone dun seem to understand anything. Even seating arrangement oso cannot let me sit me peace, so wad i m sitting wif george? Every now and then ppl will start to look at me...Who started the freaky rumours aniway... Bloody hell!!!! Ppl might think it's funny but i dun lor, it is like so stupid... i refuse to look but i have ppl always looking at us and tt is fustrating... Frenz r doing nth to help me at all, i onli feel pressure being with them... They all seem so confident of all tests and it's really putting me into alot of pressure... I wanna study hard so as not to lose out but tt onli put me under more pressure... This is really a hard year for me...i really feel like crying out loud... i think i will one day once i can't hold on animore...Crap, maybe i shld relax more but i'll onli end up like last year failing so much subjects...Lets wait till the exams r over 1st b4 relaxing then...I think then i'll be able to do the things i want and wad i really wanna do...

Feel so gd after spilling everything out...This is wad i call pressure mann...Lets juz do one thing by one...Nitez~

I say. 10:55 PM

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Yay!!!!Its weekend again... Feel like dying alrdy. Goin to be loads of tests piling up and making us suffer... y muz they do tt to us, poor students... It seems like a long time since i last come to update my blog... too lazy u see plus oso not much news to tok about except F1!!!! Its like so cool...I feel quite excited thinking bout it cuz this is my 1st time participating and working on such a major project... hope we will not back out last min, the menteor seems to be quite unhappy wif us which is quite saddening, cuz we r so guai... Heee...I change my blogskin AGAIN... i think my previous one got alot ppl using then everyone hu comes to my blog will sae tt they have seen tt blogskin b4... so i changed it so tt they will stop giving me thes stupid comments... Hope this will be less common but i think tt this blog looks really sweet bcuz of the anime pic... I put in a video too, so tt others will see it and will not feel bored when they come to my blog ^^
Todae is April fool's day...Mr tong got pissed off when lesson ends... Cuz Samson stick a plaster on Mr tong's butt and the funny thing was, mr tong refused to believe us tt there is really a plaster stuck onto his butt...Until we specify when side of his butt...U NOE WAD WAS THE IMPORTANT PART??? he got angry and took tt plaster from his trousers and stuck it onto Samson's mouth... It was so disgusting!!!!!EEEEEEEWWWW....I think Samson's mouth will be full of ulcers tmr as mr tong's butt is not exactly tt clean...Too bad for him then but i really pity him...This taught us tt we cannot afford to play jokes on mr tong...Anyway, Happy April Fool's day...But dun be a fool to not believe my story...^^

I say. 2:29 PM


welcome to MY BLOG:D
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

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TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



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Designer: P.A:D,


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