Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Yoz ppl... Mann, i haven been blogging for a long time. Com juz kanna virus few days ago and dunno y cannot even log onto internet and i m very PISSED bout it!!! Cuz the dae my com broke down is oso the day i wanna tok bout my day... ANd unfortunately, my stupid com doesnt give me a chance to do the typing and broke down... Now tt its okay, i feel so sianx to write bout tt day liao... haiz...
well, basically tt day, i went shopping wif gel and hs AND spent lots of money... haha and now, i'm broke... ... so sad :( Now tt exams are over, i'm gonna slack like siao and now i'm still slacking, hahahaha... ... Gonna enjoy myself or else i may not have a chance to do it until the end of the year liao... Results r not bad for some but my MATHS drop liao... I think if i dun bark up soon, i'm gonna get a F9 next time which will be the most horrifying news ever!!! Others r not bad but still, i sux at hist and there's no doubt bout it... mann, dunno whether i wanna take hist next year So sad... Chi got improve but still onli at avg. there, got a long way to go... ... Jia youz!!! i will study harder and improve myself!!!

I went to Orchard wif my parents tt day, its like once in a blue moon tt my parents ACTUALLY go to orchard but saddly, not becuz of shopping... hemm... tts a sad fact but i had fun tt day!!! Made many wishes at the wishing counter tt day Made 2 wishes for the CLASS and many for myself! haha... I know tt 2F will surely improve by the end of the year and all of us can make to our desired combination... tts the wish i made^^ [M i not suppose to sae out my wishes? Heck lah...] So 2F muz jia youz hor... me oso...
Change music liao... i think this midi is QUITE nice although got some funny parts but the midi rocks mann!!! Its actually from DN Angel... dunno if u guys have watched the show b4 cuz i haven but the characters inside damn shuai!!! haha... Really, its true....

I say. 8:41 PM

Monday, May 09, 2005

Yoz!! long time no post liao, sianx cuz these few weeks are exam period and i didnt not really have enough time to cum online to post anithing... Btw, oso nobody cum read my blog one, better then i can keep my tots to myself^^ Exams r finally ending, today is actual the official ending of the study hard mood period and i can play like siaoz le!!! Yay!!! haha...i today alrdy went for eat big feast le, wif gel, hs and bun... Haha, the meal cost me a bomb mann and tmr still going shopping^^ i think i becoming ultra big money spender liao... Today i even bought a gaara keyring to put on my wallet, so cool!!! haha, dunno y but i like Gaara towards the end and now he is my idol... hehe... Juz read finish Naruto not long, at least till where it stops lah... It turned out that naruto was very nice and i began to like it alot... haha... wad can i sae? i'm an anime freak... haha...Dun wish to tok bout exams animore, we pupils have done our part by studying n doin the papers and now, it is the teachers part to mark like siao while we relax for awhile... ah, feel so relax and carefree today, can do wadeva i want liao!!!! Yay!!! So happy^_^ Gonna spend loads of money tmr and i m goin to be broke again after spending my savings tmr but all it worth it... gonna feel a sense of happiness tmr cuz i m gonna spend time wif my frenz!!! haha... and slack like siao while i laugh at my bro whom exams r not over yet... *Muahahaha* tata...

I say. 10:19 PM


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Site: fantasticgirlz.blogspot.com
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

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FLH xie zhen
TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



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Hosts: 001 002 003
Fonts: DF.com
Brushes: M.de, FM.net, JC.net, RM.org, FS.org
Designer: P.A:D, Pinked-.BS.com


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