Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Went to IMM today for the Superstar meet and greet session... Wait for more then 5 hrs juz to see their faces... wasted my beauty sleep... made me rush thro all my hwk... but still it is worth it after seeing Jun yang!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so DAMN shuai lor!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I think he more shuai in person...

And u noe wad?????? He smiled and waved at me!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!! Nvr expected it, juz tired of all the taking of photos and decided to wave at him to see if he saw me. I tot he nvr saw me but them he waved at me and mouth out hello to me... Ahhhh... how i noe its me ??? becuz he was looking in my direction and i was waving and saying hi hoping he will see me and he did!!! Omg omg omg omg omg omg... i still cant believe it... hehehehehe... altho the meet and greet session was tough but after seeing JY smile at me, it is all worth it... Hee... Still the main focus is on Kelly and Wei lian, i hope Kelly will win cuz on the whole, she still has the star looks more then wei lian so i think she is better suited for the title of superstar but still the impossible might happen when Wei lian win the compeitititon. So dunno lah but if kelly got album WITH junyang i will buy... hehe... muz have Jun Yang or Derrick then i will buy becuz these 2 r my fave singers in the contest. 1st Jun Yang 2nd derrick... but i think both oso as gd lah... Saw Derrick today oso... DAMN shuai!!!! juz like Junyang... haiz... cute smile oso... Gel surely bei4 dian4 si3 liao... hehe...

Got pretty piss after tt cuz i cant find the magazine i wanna buy... Freak! Got Inuyasha inside the magazine lor... Cannot find even after searching in many many bookstores and other possible places... :( wanna ask Chuan Min tmr to see of she noes bout tt magazine...

The rest i dun wanna sae liao cuz its juz boring stuffs... hehe... *yawn* nitez ppl...

I say. 10:37 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Yoz ppl...hehe, always the same greetings...Well, July havebeen a bz month for me so dint have much time to update my blog... sorries... But today i seem to be damn bored and decided to change my blogskin... hehe... Even so, i have lots of things to say today :D
Firstly, let me tell u why Half of July suck so much... ...
[x]Change Geog teacher
-Y cant it be the math teacher? Sad...
-I like the previous teacher (I passed for once since last year)
-This teacher doesn't noe how to teach :'(
-Therefore, haf to ask huiyi for notes to copy :(
[x]Lots of test coming
-Juz passed the recent math test :( = deprove alot!!!
-Common test coming
-Cant seem to finish studying everything
-God noes wad Macbeth is toking about
[x]Teachers seem to see 2F bu shuang
-Have bad record among teachers
-Recent PE lessons caused almost all teachers to noe bout 2F
-Rebelled against anna loh and PE teachers
-'class spirit' to insist waiting for gim (gd thing wong nvr scold us for being late :))
-Now teachers noe bout us XD
-Soooo not looking forward to PE anymore...
Well, these reasons are definitely enough tt month extremely horrible...Yuck!!!!Hemm... nth else to mention le or else it will be another long long long long long entry^^ cyaz...

I say. 12:48 PM


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