Friday, October 28, 2005

Hey hey i'm back!!! wahaha.... haiz few days nvr blog cuz nth to tok bout then oso very lazy to do anything. :P Well, today's a very unlucky day for me... 1st, i forgot to bring the oboe to sch for the junior!!! I was so blur until i forgotten all bout it!!! AHHHH... I nearly went mad when i realise my stupid mistake!!! But heng, the junior nvr go band cuz she got sth on... Then during band, i got scolded like siao... Miss Chan very fierce today. haiz, kept looking at me... I noe i wrong lah... Then keep scoldin me... I very scared of her... Next time dun dare to go band. Hey wait, when did i even start looking forward to band??? So scared until i dun dare to go le but i still go. :PMuz be responsible mah...

3rd, See see see... when r u so unlucky till u get 3 misfortunes in a day??? I forgot to sign and bring the pink consent form and Mrs CHEW asked me to bring it personally to her tmr. So forgetful of me... Tmr still muz go out for no reason... Put the pink slip and then go home again cuz i have nth on after tt. Stupid rite?! I so bu shuang but haiz, it's my fault lah...

Last but not least, today is the last day of sch le. I cried. Simple as tt... I cried cried cried cried cried... :'( Hs lah, she hugged me when sch ended. I so overwhelmed by her hug until i started crying. Geraldine saw me cry and i think she cried even harder(Ps...She was alrdy crying b4 tt.) Then ppl hugged me... and i hugged them back then i cried even harder. I dunno y but when Hy saw me cry, she went outside, saw her fren and oso started crying... *Sniff*Sniff*Sniff* It looks as if it is onli yesterday when we 1st know each other and now we r parting and going our seperate ways. Well, b4 tt... I would like to thank some ppl for being there for me these pass 2 years...

Geraldine... ... I'll not miss u cuz we r still percuzz mates but we will see lesser of each other alrdy. Nevertheless, I've always regarded u as 1 of my bestest buds and u made my life in RV bearable. I could still rmb u r the 1st fren i made when i 1st entered RV. Nvr expect u to become 1 of my greatest buddies ever and oso one of my closest fren. Now in my blog, i would really like to sae a BIG THANK U to u... Frenz foreva...

Hui Shan... ... Nice knowing u, so sweet looking but quite fierce on the inside. lol... U r always there for me when i'm feeling down. It' s sad tt we may nt be in the same cls anymore but lets make a deal of hanging out once a year to go eat. Kies?! I noe ya always be my guardian angel but then u not really dead yet lah so nt considered angel yet^^ I'll always rmb u and all the happy times we spend tgt. SMILEZ ALWAYS & frenz foreva...

Chuan Min... ... Hey, onli gotten to noe better this year and i still cant believe we actually became such gd frenz!!! Lurve ya bubbly character... Ya a wonderful fren and now u r like one of my closest fren whom i tell my probs to when i'm feeling low... Common hobbies, lurve anime... haha... Wonderful fren(muz repeat 1 more time) I'll nvr forget u, hope u forget me not... SMS me whenever u r free, kies?! Keep smiling and THX FOR BEING THERE FOR ME... Frenz foreva

[ CLASS 2F'05] Tho sometimes the cls is rebellious but this cls has been the most memorable class ever and this is the onli cls which made me cry on the last day of sch. I'll nvr forget the TIMES we spent tgt, rebelled tgt and oso the happy moments we share... To all 2f ppl, i nvr regret or dislike being in this cls cuz to me, this is the best of all classes!!! the onli thing i regretted is tt i was nt able to noe some of u better evn after 2 years. I hope we'll stay in contact... Frenz foreva everyone... Cyaz at the chalet. It's nt too late to sae u wanna turn up ^^ juz give us a call^^

I say. 8:36 PM

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Your perfect match would be Athrun Zala!!
Athrun Zala.. yeah XD Your man now!

Which Gundam Seed guy is your best match?

you are a crazy and fun-loving girl
You are a fun-loving hyper girl.You playing games
all the time with your friends and sometimes
can get a little wild and crazy. Sometimes you
dress up very strangly that catches attention,
but besides that you are mostly happy all the
time. You love partying and having fun.(please

what kind of girl are you?(Anime pics!)

I say. 10:07 PM

Wahahaha... today's project fest. Slack like siao. So lame lor, everyone was gone and i went to Hs's booth, seems like everyone is gathered there. haha... then we start playing game. My booth nobody go de... haha cuz most of the time none of us is there to tend the booth. haiz... so slack... Onli towards the end of the programme, i went to Shuyi's booth to do henna... so fun!!! My right hand is Shuyi help me draw de, very nice... then for my left hand, decided to use my creativity and design myself, turned out ok lah but abit lame... haha, went to write destiny on one of my hand, requested shuyi to help me write de^^ So cool... then i oso bought a gel bottle, oso wrote Destiny... haha, so obsess with tt word arh... lol, quite fun today lah but very slack...

Mr Choy gave us a speech bout his dunno wad wad wad lah... but i rmb he said sth bout friendship in sec 2, friends r foreva... i tot of it and nearly cried out... 2 more days and we r not in the same cls anymore... i'll miss loads of my frens... the friendship we built up. So sad we r seperating... I think i will miss all my gd frens the most!!! Dun wanna part!!! *sob*sob*

Every night i will think bout this fri when we get back our reposrt bks. Tts the last day we'll be tgt. I keep thinking whether i'll cry or not... i tink maybe i will if anybody sae some saddening comments... ... ...

I say. 9:40 PM

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hey ppl... haha, like my new blog song?! I tot the previou one was nicer but it's gd to rotate the midis or u might get bored of it^^ For this song, it is INVOKE from the series GS not tt u dunno alrdy. haha... this song is basically the 1st starting song of GS and i tot it's really cool. the music is abit more energetic lah... ahaha... I try to rotate the midis not tt any of u will pay any attention to but still, for my own listening pleasure lah:( Thinking of putting Fields Of hope next... Wonder if u guys even noe wad i'm toking bout but nvm lah. Juz pretend u noe^^ haha, so lame... I think jap anime sound tracks rox!!! So nice... One of my fave music src, anime oso... Haiz, now still haven finish waching Shaman King, wanna continue but no money liao. lol...

Today very slack lah, nth to sae... ... ... ... Nightz...

I say. 10:29 PM

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hey, Hs i'm not abandoning my blog kies?! So cute, cant bear to abandon it lah:P Haha...

Went to Bugis wif Gel and Hs today, Muahahaha... so fun!!! tho like nth to do there but then it's always great to hang out wif ya buddies:D We decided not to shop for any cloths today so all the cash is basically spent on food. Muahaha, went to Seoul Garden for lunch... Wahh... So expensive!!! Haiz, Cost us $15, so exp rite? So we sat there for very long. ?Haha... Even the ppl hu came later than us left before we did. So slow... ... 1st time there mah... Hehe... Kept making trips to get the food cuz we scared cant finish the food or else need to pay for the extras. So stupiid rite? Diaox lor... =.=" Sat there for 2 hrs. Very pro rite?! We gossip bout things lah, basically i tot it's like a gal tok. haha... Not tt we have much to tok bout. :P After eating, we went to take neoprints. Surprise surprise surprise... Go out of cuz muz take neoprints!!! haha... Lurve taking neoprints wif gel and Hs cuz very fun. They noe how to pose mah:P Then all act chio in front of the camera. haha... It's ICE-CREAM time aft tt. We went to buy ice-cream... Muahahaha... All of us bought diff flavours and i decided to try Ferrero and Hazelnut. I tot the hazelnut flavour tasted abit like coffee... Muz still very nice lah, very exp. leh!!! Sounds very sianx rite?! But then to me, it is very fun le...Muahaha then went to bugis Village. Tot it sucked cuz it seems as if u r walking in dark alleys. Then quite scary wif so many funky ppl around and weirdy weirdy shops all around u. We saw it and quickly siam... Unpleasant, perhaps its juz too mature for us. XD

Muahaha... Neoprints again!!! So funny, take neoprints 2 times in 1 day. But wif gel and Hs, the pose r very diff for each pic. We decided to drop the 'frenz foreva' thingy. And was quite successful, all pics had diff messages. I like the Destiny one... Cuz recently 'Destiny' has been my fave word:P Cuz of GSD mah... hahaha...Had a trash out when there's nth to aft tt and we had 1 hr to kill. Talked bout some of our darkest secrets. Muahahaha... So lame, played truth or dare and ask stupid questions. But still, we had sth to tok bout. It has been so long since the 3 of us sat down and tok bout our tots and stuff. Felt gd... haha...

These few days, many ppl seems to be very upset regardless whether izzit bout results or friendship probs. Ppl whine bout their probs on the web, i tot it's gd cuz other ppl will actually noe how u feel in a more indirect manner but to me, wad's the point of posting entries which r sad or depressing. It will remind u of the bad things which happen to u when u read ur own blog entries next time. Tot it's quite wu liao... So far, i decided to let go of some unhappy things cuz i believe gd things will happen to me one day. I'll wait for tt day to arrive :D Live life to the fullest!!! It will turn ur perspective of life and for tt, u may juz be a happier person with lesser troubles and probs cuz u noe how to let go... Got probs then tok to frens, they may or may not understand but as long they r willing to listen to u, aft spilling all ya troubles out, u may juz feel alot better. So if ya have probs, cum tok to me or any of whom u treat as a gd fren... U might juz realise how much ur frens care for u... Tts wad i found out from my greatest buddies... Thx guys :D

I say. 10:05 PM

Monday, October 17, 2005

I have PMS today!!! Totally pissed off... haiz since PE today, i have been in a totally foul mood today... Partly cuz of some stupiiiid pissing off stuffs. Arghh... xblahx... Disappointed wif my marks oso. All damn lousy lah, cannot get into the combi i want next year le lah... Wanna cry in class today but held my tears back. Could blame no one but myself for being such a failer. Haiz... Fail lah fail lah then can slack le... *sob*sob* but then cannot fufill my dreams le. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will jia you de!!! This is juz one exam, although very very important but still not the end of the world yet. At least i haven got less then 60 for any subs yet. Tmr will be better!!!!!!!! Jia Youz Cai Bei, u can do it de... Muz fufill ur dreams... Cannot give up so easily... Okies, i feel better after an wei-ing myself. And to all hu believe they done badly, Nvm de!!! As long u think u've done ur best, no matter wad other say, dun let it get to u!!! kies? Samantha, dun be so upset le... If u see this post then u will noe i'm even worse than u. haha... Smilez alwayz... kies?

Auditions today oso... Blah... Got my chi paper juz b4 the auditions. Totally spoilt my mood cuz scored so badly for tt paper. then when i get there, at 1st they sae the VCD cannot play then muz sing w/o music. I was so pissed when i heard it that i really felt like not singing anymore... But i did in the end lah cuz Ivan saved the day... Thx Ivan :P Then we went up to sing. Haha, so many ppl cum support us . 2F rox yea?! haha... so happy when they came. I tot i sang like shit like tt, the echo so loud lor... Like my voice sang until very loud which is so not true cuz i lower my voice by like maybe half? haha... lousy mike :P Muz jia you lah... The SCs sae this, sae tt not gd so muz improve. Dunno if can pass anot lah, tmr then noe results. Pray pray pray can get in... Shuyi one oso... They sang very well leh... Pro leh... haha... then still got lots of other pro ppl. All sang quite well onli tt their song not minus 1 track de so sometimes dunno it is their voice or the original singer de but still not bad lah. :P haha...

Had a dream juz now... Dreamt tt tmr will be a very hopeful day for me... Dunno y maybe today is a rotten day fer me...

Tmr marks the starting of a new beginning...

I say. 9:44 PM

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Yea... spent half the day at heeren... Yesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shake hands wif Derrick!!! and 3 other superstar. So nervous when i went up lor... haha, but then so exciting:P wahh... all so cool. I so bu yao lian, they haven sign finish, i alrdy stretched out my hand to shake theirs. haha... so funny, i onli found out when i looked from above tt some ppl nvr shake their hands at all... :P like so du lian like tt but heck lah... They oso willing to shake my hand mah. Wahh... Wei Jian so shuai!!! I mean, tho he is not my superstar but he oso very shuai in person lah... :P xmuahahahax Weichong oso... haha... i think sin huey in person oso very chio ^^ haiz... i oso have nth to sae le mah... Post today juz because of this. haha... so fun then we went to take neoprint :P yea, and got a batch of bitches hu keep saying we r little gals juz cuz our balloons hit them. Wahh... Bimbos r always have tt stupid attitude. Think they so great arh? By the look of their dressing shows they r like some stupid ah lians hu have nth to do. They very old meh? say we r like their younger sister. Yea lah yea lah... very old, like old grandmother like tt... Blah... Makes me so mad when i tink of them...

Lalalalaa... So fun... Lalalalaalala...

I say. 9:18 PM

Friday, October 14, 2005

Muahaha... Today is a friday... DUH!!! I now have nth better to do. Not much of a interesting day for me. Slack then slack even more then slack again... haha... Tried to draw Daisuke today but not very successful... Hey, wad u expect of a drawing done in like 20mins? During some slacking period time... haha, like anione care bout my drawing like tt... I so lame nowadays... Nth to do lah... Bought a damn super duper nice poster yesterday. Dint cum cheap but worth it lah since it was Athrun and his gundam in the pic... haha... Isnt it obvious tt most of my posters r of Gundam cuz haha, i juz lurve tt anime :P tho not like the siao siao ppl who is very and extremely crazy over tt anime... I juz like spent time listeing to their songs, watching the anime, Finding out all the shuai ges in the anime and reading fan fics bout it onli... Really, its nth much... haha...

Tmr's the open hse le... Not nervous juz find it abit sianx... Blahx... haiz... Ahhhh!!!! Audition on mon!!! So nervous!!! dun wanna join liao!!! Ahhh... haiz, wish me gd luck then... haha... Nth to write le lah... So cyaz... Go sleep sleep le... Muahahaha

I say. 9:12 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Muahaha... I've watched Goal today!!! mann... It was so damn nice!!! Ahhh... dunno wad gel tot but i tot it was way cool and very very nice!!! Wouldnt mind if i watch it again... Muahaha... We wanted to watch the corpse Bride at 1st but then later we found out it is not airing animore which is like so sad... got no choice but to decide on which movie we wanna watch... Ok, we chose between Goal and The skeleton Key. Dunno which one to choose but in the end we decided to choose Goal cuz none of us dare to watch the skeleton Key... 2 ppl onli very scary leh somemore wad if the whole theatre onli got me and gel? then i wouldnt dare to go home le... Dunno if we made the rite choice but i've always wanted to watch Goal so decided on tt movie. At 1st, i alrdy made plans wif another person to watch Goal but last min, gel & i decided to watch this movie. But then nvm, if the person wanna watch then i can watch again cuz i like the movie alot alot alot alot... Muahaha... so nice... Felt abit guilty bout dragging gel wif me but haha... When we entered the theatre, we r like the few girls inside and all around us were guys. *roll eyes* I mean y shld onli guys watch this movie? I tot Goal is a very cool movie and gals shld watch it oso lah... haha, gel said it might be cuz of sch day but then i dun think so... Blahx... haha...

Ok... so band has decided on playing Jupiter and Secret Boy for RV open hse. haha, i dun mind cuz both songs rox!!! Ya noe secret boy is actually tong hua by kuang liang? haha... I dint noe at 1st but when the band play, i found the song so familiar... haha... very nice!!! Jupiter oso... The music sounds very planet-ish. Arghh... wad m i toking bout... :P
So i'm now promoting RV open hse k?! This sat almost whole day!!! ok, it's goin to be one long long day... haha...

Stupid Maths Presentation... Blahx... obsessed wif comics rite now... Lurve Zig Zag and Fushigi yugi genbu version... Very nice worh so got time muz go read k? ppl? haha... nitez...

I say. 10:51 PM

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

haha... I nvr go sch today... yaya!!! Nono, i'm not a rebellious kid... Its onli tt i have dental appointment today so lazy to go back to sch. :P Anyway, exam alrdy ended so no point going to sch lah... haha... So i was back at home at around 12pm? yea, shld be around there... Wanted to slack abit b4 making my way out of hse and going to Commonwealth to meet Cm... Didnt expect myself to sit in front of the TV and start watching Gundam Seed Destiny... :P I juz wanted to watch an episode b4 going out again and i ended up watching 3 episodes at 1 go cuz it's like getting sooooo exciting!!! haiz... Now have to wait for the next boz to come out b4 finding out whether Cagalli married tt Stuuupid Yuuna... Ahhhhh!!!!!!! I hate him, athrun is sooooo much better and shuai-er!!! Haha, isnt it obvious... Once a coodinator, 4eva a coodinator... Yay, Kira oso... Haha, the Freedom gundam out le in episode 13. Haiz, tt gundam sooo shuai...

Yea, too obsess wif my GSD tt i was late for my meeting wif Cm...:P Sry lah, not intentioned... It juz got kinda out of my mind. haha, watching anime makes me forget everything... :P Anyway, once i reached there, i saw 3 of my sec 4 seniors... haha, nvr expected it cuz i hardly see them and they r like looking at me wif weird expression cuz i'm wearing my home cloths and i'm making out of the MRT station rather then going home... Then saw Dx and he said tt Cm is waiting for me at the bus stop. Yea, i saw her and i got lucky cuz juz nice, the bus came... We saw George, Xy and the rest on the bus. haha... they going bowling lah not to Cm hse wif me... :p So lame... I'm scared of dogs!!! and Cm's hse got one. So scary cuz it started barking once reach her hse... And then it keep barking... Ahh... i was so scared... :p art fest coming le so we practising for it at Cm's hse today. *hopefully all goes well on audition day* Kinda nervous... haha, but heck lah... now muz get the lyrics rite 1st... lalalalala... But if i let u go, i will nvr noe, wad my life will holding u close to me... lalalalalala... haha, keep la-ing...:P tata...

Ps: Juz wanna sae to a fren, no matter wad happens. I'll always be there for u...^^ so dun listen to any stupid rumours hor!!! (Ppl, dun think wai!!! It's a girl lah... Shame shame on u if u have dirty tots :P)

I say. 9:03 PM

People see happiness in your eyes! You are most
likely a really awesome person who trys to
enjoy life. You can usually see the good in any
situation or person. You bring joy wherever you
go in life and probably have a really good set
of friends. But sometimes you may strive too
hard to be happy and may try to fool yourself
and others. In this case, it's not good to hold
in your feelings, and you should try to find
someone to talk to about what's bothering you
instead of covering it up. But, all in all you
usually get over these situations quickly and
can continue living life to its fullest! Go
you! ^_^

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by

I say. 8:59 PM

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Haiz... I'm bored k?! now tt it is after exams, i have nth to do except to slack... Not considered doing anithing izzit? Go msn oso have nth to do, nobody to tok to... Everyone seems to be quite bz... Slept thro half the stupid maths survey test today... the person kept coming over to see if anione is asleep and clearly i slept rite in front of him at his face :P i think he looks bu shuang but then wad u expect me to do for 2hrs? Stare at the piece of paper? Purrlease... i am so not going to do tt... I juz left the Qs blank even tho i might noe how to do but wad to do? I juz cant bother to think much considering the weather is so horrible and i'm like in a oven during the test. Blahx...Lol... Art went well, i tot it was quite slacky seeing tt everyone completed their work very quickly, like me:D I dunno wad to do lah, juz did wadeva image tt pops up in my head... haha, shld have seen how the "Joseph" alike teacher was looking at me wif a weird face... I was putting on a bored and sianx diao face, and cutting the shapes freehand and oso tearing up my colour paper... lol, so funny... i'm sure he nvr see an artist at work b4 :P jk jk jk jk... haha

After tt, haha... the percuzz mates went out... So fun!!! We went to bugis and the 1st thing we did was to sit down and eat, haha... then went to take neoprints... Exciting cuz so long nvr hang out wif percuzz mates le... I tot we all look quite chio in the pics exp. for some weird weird ones... dunno wad we doing...^^ Haha, gel and huiyi so obsess wif Chipmunks tt they went a little crazy when they saw the plush toys... yar it's very cute but the main reason they like it is becuz of Derrick... Haha, their superstar idol and shuai ge... :P All went to buy ice-cream after that... haha, very nice cuz got loads of flavours to choose from... I chose ferraro and choc mint, wahh... very nice!!! Everyone chose different flavours but the most interesting one was shuyi's cuz she chose kiwi and strawberry flavour... Haha, healthy choice... haiz, she scared auditions no voice arh... i then heck arh... No voice then too bad for me lor... hahahaha... haiz, today so fun:) Never had so much fun since July... Mann... Now, i'm speechless...Wanna improve my drawing!!! Jia Youz!!! !!! haha...

//**___When our dreams one by one, and we meet again... The coincidences become Destiny..._______**~**

I say. 7:53 PM

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yaya, haha... eng exam over le^^ Now left art... haiz, have no idea wad design i wanna do... seems to be thinking very far ahead... Blah... And tmr is the last paper! Sianx cuz after the final paper have to stay back to do the 'maths' survey paper which last for 1.5 hrs!!! !!! Can u believe it??? somemore right after exams and i was juz planning go hang out wif my percuzz mates... Wahh, but nvm cuz Shuyi and Yishi oso have to stay back to do tt SURVEY... Left onli Huiyi, so poor thing, wonder wad she will do for the next 1.5 hrs of free time... have no choice but to wait for us... xMuahahahax Feel so bad for her but no choice:P

Haha... Yay went out to have a feast wif Hs, Gel and bunny... So fun... Each of us bought a puzzle book to do... I do until so sian cuz everyone is faster than me... so lazy to do somemore so hungry... haiz, then we went in to the restaurant and eat... Have to wait 1 hr b4 the restaurant actually opens lor... By then, all of us r like so hungry esp. gel and Hs cuz i think they eat alot... haha... Bunny dun take spice so nvr eat the spicy food which is the noodles so we ordered sth else for her then share... haiz, by the time we finished eating our 1st order, all of us were like still very hungry so we ordered somemore and ate until we cannot eat animore... :X haha, so fun... wish can hang out with them more often sia... So sad, all of us have to part le... Time seems to pass by so quicky and it seems to be juz yesterday when we 1st met... I tink i'm going to miss the class loads after we part even tho we will still see each other in sch but things will not be the same again... I guess... Parting is a part of life... I'm sure i'm going to miss all my gd frenz in 2F... One of my best years, met loads of great frenz hu stood by me thro thick and thin... Juz wanna wish all of them happiness and even after we part, we'll still be Frenz Forever rite?!

Smilez always arh 2Firm... Foreva bonded as a class...

I say. 4:09 PM

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Haiz, now tt exams r going to be over... I have nth to do at home!!! So i decided to update blog... hahahaha... Now now, have to prepare loads of things cuz sch have loads of events coming up... Exp would be Art Fest(haha, i'm joining) and RV open hse... All taking place next week and next next week... For the open hse, i dunno if i'm participating in it, so far not yet... even if have oso for band... For art fest, YES!!! haha... Cm and Gim and of cuz ME are going to join art fest again this year ;P... haiz, this year we decided to sing If I Let U Go by Westlife,one of my fave boy bands... Dunno if I can sing it well with abit of sorethroat... *hopefully not like last year* Pray pray pray... The voice very low leh then i sing le like very montone like tt especially using the mike :X haiz, not an easy song to sing cuz onli have music, no backup... haiz, the VCD arh... Dun even have the normal prompting. have to end in urself... tough tough tough... haha, hope we can pass the auditions, lets keep our fingers cross... haha, muz sae again, gd luck to Shuyi's group oso... i'm sure they sing very well... have the impression tt her group all singing pros :P haha...

Yay!!! i finally got watch Gundam Seed destiny 2nd episode on Kids Central... Haha so cool!!! i like Auel cuz he look very cute wif the pale blue hair... not to mention Athrun oso lah... he ALWAYS look very shuai... Kira haven come out yet but he will maybe a few episodes later then haha will have more shuai ges in the show le... I dun really like the eng version cuz wad they sae doesnt realli match wif the subtitles. Of cuz jap version is nicer lah... hah... Wonder when Box 2 will be out?????? So long, the story getting very exciting leh when all the Gundams start to get in action... ^^

Haha... One more thing... Do u noe Gaara NVR die?!?! Haiz, so touching when i read the latest chapter... I cried lor, dunno y really very touching... He was revived... Naruto and the rest saved him and he is not lonely anymore... ... ... ... ... Finally... ... ...

I say. 1:52 PM

Friday, October 07, 2005

Yay!!! Exams are finally going to be over ;p After one week of studying, i guess i can start to slack and HAVE SOME FUN!!! haha, so lame ^^ Haiz... i dunno if i'm going to do well for my papers cuz it is damn Dif!!! It's true... For math, i dint complete the paper... For sci, Physics die liao... For chi, summary die liao... For geo, dunno where die but then got a feeling oso going to die...=.=" Now left wif Eng and Art... Both dun need to study alot so i went slacking today... haha...

Went out wif Bunny, Gel, Hs and CM today. So fun, haha but saw loads of RV ppl in sch uniform=.=" See them onli, we try to siam... haha, gel and i each bought a guardian angel hp keyring carrying a drum... hehe, Its so cool cuz like symbolisies we r percussionists. haha, very cute oso... Muz tell Hui Yi and Shu Yi sia... haha, yishi oso then maybe everyone oso go buy ^^ I tink tmr going to be damn bz for me cuz needa practise for Art Fest Audition... haiz, yupz we signed up again this year ;p tot it will be quite fun. This year most prob going to sing guy song... haha, die liao... very scared sore throat like last year... lol, Cm and Gim muz jia youz... Shuyi's grp oso arh... :P

Recently joined some forums... Got some bad experience sia... haiz, dunno wad's the prob wif the ppl mann... onli got 1 very nice de, all tok bout comics and stuff like tt... all pro ppl :P The link can be found in one of my charms at the corner... haha, link to lah... diaox, it link to another means its the credits page... Wonder y entry so longbut heck i juz continue writing... haha...

Ppl, Muz watch Gundam Seed Destiny on Kids Central evry Sun 11 am!!!!!! Cuz its like so Nice...Ahhh but i alrdy watch le box1 hehe... Its very very nice so muz watch, esp Athrun cuz he so shuai... Anyway the new blogskin de song is Reason... Quite nice lah, 1st ending song of GSD. So far my fave :P

Athrun and Kira... xMuahahahax... Nitez...

I say. 11:20 PM


welcome to MY BLOG:D
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

rule #1 tag!
rule #2 Dun INSULT!


customized~ funky!
Clever xD
personalised! :D


FLH xie zhen
TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



My Friendster -
Samantha -
Charlene -
Chuan Min -
George -
Shusi -


Hosts: 001 002 003
Designer: P.A:D,


February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
August 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
January 2008