Tuesday, November 29, 2005

How could this happen to me?~ i've made my mistake, got nowhere to run...my life goes on~... lalalala~ Heee... This my new blog song by Simple Plan^^ Mann it rox... lol...

I changed blog skin again... 2 days in a row... heck since i'm like sooooo freeeee... Nth to do at home... Wahhh... I'm bored i'm bored i'm bored... wanna go find work to do oso no one wants to hired me:( Lol, all say too young... Gosh i'm alrdy 14!!! Still young?!?!?! Shhh... better not let dad hear b4 he will start making me do all the household chores... crap...

Yay!!! I gt Sub geo and art!!! Which means i've got the combi i want!!! Yess~ I'm like going crazy since yst. Now still very happy bout it... Got SOME ppl oso took tt combi which is gd cuz i'll have ppl in my class taking Art rather than me being the onli one taking art... Cant be tt unlucky~ lol YAY!!! hahahahahaha...Well at least tt's the start of my dream~

Dad gave me a loooong loooong loooong talk yst. And it lasted vey loooooooooong... When he starts to talk, he will not stop aft an hr at least... The onli thing he said which inspire me was to follow my dreams and not follow blindly... Maybe tt's y i took such a weird combi... Wad is gd for others may not be gd for u... tt's wad he said so i guess tt's y he nvr object me in taking the combi i want. Hahaha... goody...

Xmas coming... no money for presents!!! Muz find some way of getting a simple job to earn some money or else gel and the rest will not be able to receive any xmas gifts this year... lol, dun blame me if tt happens:P

Percuzz chalet coming, soooooo looking forward to it... yay... 1st year but not the last :)

I say. 2:16 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Heyx... Today i was so bored till i actually change the blogskin 3 times... lol, one after another... Nth to do le, no more band prac till dec++ which is cool... yay... haha

Saiyuki Reload Rox!!! DNangel Rox!!! haha... Sanzo so cool!!! Lalalala...

Mann... this is crap~

I say. 8:58 PM

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Heyx, today's my 2nd manga lesson^^ Late for 15 mins, sad... i was so worried!!! Ahhhhhh... but in the end onli missed out alittle... haha,Learnt inking today... i dun understand y the teacher can so easily use then pen and draw and i cannot... i keep trying and trying but still no ink until a very long time b4 the ink starts to cum out. i tink i shoke it too hard and the ink splatted onto my shirt. :P Feel so stupid... My 1st time and i did it wrongly oso... Others dun need to say, all very very pro de. Do very fast... Siao... Envious of them sia... lol, gt hwk somemore!!! wah... Unfair!!!

Went to yuhua to learn the soran funk dance today... Started off quite well as we began to learn the steps until tt stupid fatso guy came along and keep saying we r like metal. As if he noe the dance like tt!!! We ask him demonstrate he sae he dunno how to dance. Tok in broken eng and still expects us to respect him... Freak... We r like so pissed off... keep repeating the same steps over and over again, maybe for an hr? Siao rite... Bloody hell!!! But then aft he left, things went pretty fast and smoothly... and we became more enthu oso... hahaha, i hate him...

Half of the holidays passed alrdy... Class chalet juz over tt day... Hahaha, i did have fun!!! Lots of fun, so glad tt some of the ppl can make it... M I anti social?!?! tts wad most says... Maybe yes maybe no but then one thing tho, i was grumpy aft i woke up from my nap. So abit ap... haha but then nope... i was trying to join in... Really hope to noe more ppl better and sometimes i tink... STOP TT BETRAYING THINGIE and class shld not have gangs. Sounds stupid... the reason i left early is cuz NO. 1 air con nt working, toilet smelling like shit, and MOST IMPORTANTLY I'M HUNGRY so is nt being ap or anti- social... lol. Btw i lurve the Dance mix. there cuz the songs very nice... Me and hs dance like siao on the 2nd day aft bowling(nt interested aft awhile cuz ball keep going into drain :S) Yaya... Fun Fun Fun... Love the cycling part, the water bomb one oso... lol... Overall, haiz... the chalet totally nt tgt as a class... Nvm... anyway last year le... dun want then dun want lor...

Answering Geraldine's tt dunno wad thingie...

5 FIVE things bout me:
*I lurve COMICS!!!
*I've gt brown hair(It's natural so stop asking me if it's dyed)
*Will get grumpy if i'm nt totally awake
*Gundam Seed Destiny, woohoo... My fave
*the crush i USED to like SUCKS...

AND the 5 FIVE person i wanna to do the question is:
erm... On 2nd tots

I say. 8:38 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here's my new blog skin^^ and i changed the song, have to load cuz the file abit big but the song is nice so stay and listen to it?! thx:D

So here's wad happen today:-

*Went to pri sch in the morning
*Was late
*Saw lots of 6L'03 ppl at the bus stop
*Saw Vencia^^
*Then mdm Beh ask us to go home cuz she gt meeting the whole day
*So, we went to the nearby MAC
*Me and Venciz went to eat breakfast
*Then siam to go to lot 1
*Take neoprints
*Sms some of her frens^^
*Then gt sianx, and decided to go watch movie at cineleisure
*Just like Heaven[watched ytd le but watched again:S]
*Met some interesting ppl in the theatre
*Weird day but tt's how i spent it


I say. 10:44 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Yaya!!! Haha... Finished the whole riddle game today:P Got into the hall of fames... haha, lvl 101!!! Siao, so diff lah... I tink more dif than doing hwk!!! haha but i finished the whole game liao... muahaha... Stupid!!! wahh... dint watch saiyuki reload today cz i too tired and fell asleep. Onli watch DNangel, sad but today's DNangel rox...:P Tot Krad was cool tho abit sot sot de:P I onli watched 5 mins of GSD today, stupid dad off the TV while i was watching and refuse to let me watch. Stupid cuz i missed Lacus's song. Although i have the sound track but then tt episode was very nice cuz lacus sang... lalalalala... Fields Of Hope. Athrun was cool wif his shooting unlike tt lunamaria... No offence bt i really hate tt gurl.Dotts, nth to do now so i shall tok bout anime. /Guys dun fall asleep:P/

Kies, i juz bought Gundam Seed Destiny box 2 not long ago and i'm left wif 1 disc b4 i finsh watching the whole box. and here's wad i tot bout the characters so far.
[x]Kira looks way cool in his Freedom Gundam tho saw him in it in GS le but then... ...
[x] Dun understand wad the hell is Archangel thinking :S Attacking and helping the minerva at the same time and tt includes Kira.
[x]Yuuna is a TOTAL WIMPspeechless,i mean, scream when freedom appeared? Give me a break>
[x]The way Stella and Shinn 1st met each other is quite sweet(i've decided they r nt tt bad afterall^^)
[x]Neo SUX cuz he doesnt allow Stella, sting and auel to have memories(FREAK)
[x]Heine is so poor thing... ... (Died after 2? episodes n he is suppose to be in FAITH!!! LOUSY)
[x]Lunamaria likes Athrun and tts obviousps... she doesnt stand a chance
[x]Meer is a bitch
[x]Chairman Durandal may nt be the gd guy after all(dunno wad's he thinking, suspicious tho)
[x]Neo dunno y but seems to be under the EAF... Lousy...Known as the phantom rain?! Dun rmb
[x]Athrun still rox:P Nice saviour gundam^^
[x]Looking forward to shinn and stella's 2nd meeting... dunno when...

Haha... tts all... i know it's stupid to tok bout anime here but i'm bored and i muz voice out my tots of it. Tt leaves me happier after toking bout them. yay, eww... band tmr... tata

I say. 10:16 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Omg omg... Today's band actualli went well... phew, i was like scared stiff when ms chan went through Soran funk but before tt, a senior alrdy went through it wif us so nt tt bad:P But still... Ahhh!!! Got percuzz solo, cowbell... ... Freaky sia... But then still nt bad lah tho she mention tt we r like a piece of wood :S haha... Can u imagine it?!?! All percuzz sec 1s r nt here today cuz they pon to go chalet!!! So lame lor when ms chan asked bout them... haha, hui yi had no choice but to sae they all went for chalet... This holiday very boring leh... Bought some anime VCDs to watch, haven watch finish but i noe it's going to be very nice.

Go gel hse watch full House... haha... so nice!!! Rain quite shuai in the show except when he smiles like a lunatic. haha... When he serious quite shuai lah... lol. The soundtracks very nice!!! Btw, gel sick le, gt sore eyes. Hopes she get well soon!!! !!! !!!

Ps... Change blog skin le. ya ya... finally one which is nt anime de but i'll miss my GSD one. Tts so cute!!! haha... This one is nice lah. I found out tt it is very dif for me to find a skin which is nt of anime and i oso like it. Found one at 1st, i did half way and found tt i dun like it so i changed it. Sianx, next time, i think i juz stick to anime blogskins:P For now, this is nice enough...

I say. 10:41 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Haiz... band day today. Quite horrible lah, i got scolded like siao... Ms chan keep saying i'm dragging the band... M i? Think so lah, if she sae yes means yes lor... So sad... Every band prac oso kanna scolded... Then everyone looking at me lor... so diu lian... Always very tired after band prac, tired from all the scoldings and stuff... Sometimes i even wonder i joined band in the 1st place. Go for CCA like go for scolding session like tt... Play until so lan... But have to stay in this CCA for 2 more years... I'm gonna DIE!!! Alrdy half dead le...*sob*sob* I'm like toking to myself... Dun wanna sae le lah, totally spoil my mood when toking bout band, dun have talent for tt... Makes me wanna cry when think bout it... Haiz..............................................

TMR OSO HAVE BAND!!! I gonna die again...

I say. 10:53 PM


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