Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yikes i'll officially grounded like foreva? lol, dad juz grounded me cuz of yesterday :( So till now i haven buy tt art bk. Maybe i'll buy it on mon? I tink i have to do tt then or else if possible, on next sat which is like nvr possible so wadeva. ): wahhh... i'm grounded. haha but heck. anyway sch reopen soon. haha...

Made a stupid mistake. ?Haiz... Perhaps this will totally ruin the friendship? hmm, wadeva... ooh... i forgot sth. yikes! haiz wadvea. hmm...

I'm tired. Sick of all these. Wanna juz lie at home and not go anywhere other then home. But sch REOPENING!!! so it is nt possible. haha

Problems? ya, do have them... created them myself. then in the end dunno how to admit it. Perhaps i juz cant run away from the problems. Tried to solve other's but cant even handle my own. Wad a joke. But now, i tink i settled it. Shld bu but i'm seem to be expecting sth even bigger after admitting the wrongs i've done.

Wadeva, wad's done have been done... Feel more relieved? at least i noe i'm dun have split personality. lol...

I say. 11:08 PM

Heyx, i'm so tired now... So late and reached home very late oso. My mum nearly killed me for being home so late and even went down to fetch me. er... 12am? haha, mann... she was PISSED.

Watched Walace and Gromit today. Very stupid but quite funny in a way cuz the rabbits very cute. Except the Were-Rabbit. lol... kinda remind me of someone. lol. At 1st i say dun wanna watch cuz i dun like the graphics. it looks abit sick to me. After i watched it, i still dun like the graphics but the story still ok but very lame. We r like sharing popcorn among 5 ppl. So ke lian and we finished it even b4 the show started. lol. haha... It onli lasted for 1 hr 30mins? hemm... Like very short but gt the penguin mini movie b4 tt. Very cute the penguins but story line very lame. I lurve the rabbits!!! haha... Bunny shld watch it for the movie review, cuz gt rabbits inside the story and i tink she'll like it :)

Gt alumi band concert after tt, started at 7++pm. The 1st half of the show was kinda classical. But i prefer the 2nd half cuz gt more pop music!!! I like Disco party 3. Nice... Very heap and the tempo sounds faster then wad we usually play. Maybe they gt more experience then more pro. So when i heard the pieces, u'll sense tt the music is very fast. I tink miss chan is going quite fast. They all very pro. haha, the soloists oso. Percussion Emsemble Rox!!! So cool... haha... Haiz but still reach home late cuz we went for supper. My mum sae next time cant go le but i tink she'll forget after awhile. But i oso dun really like going for concerts, reach home late. Not onli do i get scolded but oso very tired when i reach home. Gd thing my percuzz mates enthu or else i'll not go. haha... But normally after i go, sometimes will think the concert is VERY cool b4 worrying bout the time i reach home. lol

New Year Resolution... BE A GD GAL AND REACH HOME EARLIER. Gosh, have to go out and buy the art bk, haven buy yet. Sianx leh...

I say. 1:13 AM

Friday, December 30, 2005

Why do seem to feel tt i'm always talking to myself? sound abit saddist but wadeva. Ya noe? trying to argue wif the voice in my head. Sounds weird but seriously, it happens sometimes. hmm... tts wad i tink... Playing lame games this few days. wanna watch finish full hse but still have a few more discs left :( haha...

Getting abit late rite now cuz i'm officially posting at 1:26 in the morning... dunno y i sleep abit late these few days. Then i'll wake up at 1 in the afternoon? hmm... haha... Plus sch reopening soon. Wonder if i'll ever be late on the 1st day of sch. Hope not, i'm suppose to be a good girl. lol. Haiz Hwk still left chi. Thanks to yang zhi, managed to complete the math papers. haiz... Chi how? juz do lor. Left the reviews, shld be quite ez but then the next 2 days i nt free so how?! anyhow do =.=" haha... Hope not... haiz, tt's the outcome of doing hwk near sch reopen. i'm so sure others muz have completed it by now... EXCEPT me... haha, wadeva. USED to it le.

Recently saw sth hurting. Dun understand but still... I dun even rmb any of it anymore. but then even when i look upon it, tried so hard to rmb but i dun seem to recall a thing. So izzit my Problem?! hmm... Dunno, maybe. hmm, anyway in a few days time going to be 2006, so NOT looking forward to it... but then it's a way to start things new and make new frenz and stuff like tt. Thinking it... My class not tt bad lah EXCEPT some ppl whom i nvr in the world expect to be in the same class. Guess have no choice but to get stuck wif them for the next 2 years. hmm... wad a loooong wait... Will i tolerate it? Guess i have no choice but to do so. lolz

I say. 1:23 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Yoz... lalal...

The sec 3 combi classes out le. I'm in 3K.
Seems like a totally rojak class...
Er got PCEG de, chem bio de, art de, 3rd lang de.
haha... seems like a wild cls...
Gt to be in the same class as 6 of 2F ppl.
Haha... Same cls as Chuan Min. So cool
Dint expect to be in the same class as her
As well as Yang zhi, samson, samantha and george...
But the class ppl still not bad :)
haiz... pity not in the same cls as my percuz mates but then Hui Yi's class is next to mine...
haha... still no tt bad lah...
Gosh Mrs Chan called me last night
Asking me to buy some history of art book...
Quite dif to get cuz still muz go to borders and find...
Nvm, fri go concert then find.

Sch reopening soon...
Haven do hwk

I say. 12:01 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005


It's xmas eve tmr... so happy
Bought presents for some ppl wif gel tt day...
So cool...
I tink u will all like the presents cuz i choose them=.="
But still wish all of u a happy xmas...
hmm... Came across a very cool poem today.

On the 1st day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
A green bird in an oak tree.
On the 2nd day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 3rd day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 4th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 5th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 6th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 7th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 8th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Eight laser swords,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 9th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Nine fighting Gundams,
Eight laser swords,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 10th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Ten groups of fans,
Nine fighting Gundams,
Eight laser swords,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the 11th day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Eleven boring lectures,
Ten groups of fans,
Nine fighting Gundams,
Eight laser swords,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,
And a green bird in an oak tree.
On the last day of X-mas,
Athrun Zala gave to me,
Twelve beeping haros,
Eleven boring lectures,
Ten groups of fans,
Nine fighting Gundams,
Eight laser swords,
Seven guns a shooting,
Six expensive cars,
Four battleships,
Three machine guns,
Two nagging friends,

I say. 10:38 PM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Heyx, lol... very long nvr post. Too sianx to do anything=.="

Yay!!! haven finish hwk... lala... DIE, others muz alrdy completed almost all le. me?! er... 1/5 onli. haha


Nvm... heck 1st :P

Heyx, thx percuz sec 2s
Thx for all the gifts u bought from hk for me... i really liked it
ESP. the poster
Yaya... now i have erm 5 posters in my bed room.
lol... Ppl go overseas buy GS poster back for me :P
Now, i have one from taiwan and one from hong kong.
So cool... lol...

Merry xmas everyone...
No xmas party? hemm...
But still muz rmb to buy present for me kies?
lol, jk... nvm juz send me and sms to wish me merry xmas can le:P

haha... going xmas shopping tmr...
Suddenly realised tt xmas is juz this weekend.
So fast!!! One year is ending soon... Passes so quickly...
Wonder hu is going to be in the same class me next year?! hemm...

Lets wait till DEC 28th...

-Hemm... My destiny?-

I say. 8:35 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

hahahaha... I have nth to do... dun feel like doing hwk, most prob will pia like siao when sch holidays ending cuz i'm totally nt doing my hwk rite now:(( haha... sianx leh...

I'm bored
Yikes!!! Xmas reaching... yay
Time to shop for prezzies...
Got my xmas list done...
Meaning have to start buying the presents soon...

yay, sooo in the festive mood~

Crap... sianx... Tt's all:))

I say. 5:24 PM


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