Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm starting to tink tt this year is the worst CNY for me. Onli went to bai nian for a day... How horrible is tt?!?! ONE day and we actually had 3 days of holidays. the next 3 days, i spent is on sleeping. I practically slept through the whole afternoon today. From 1 till 5. hmm... Which means i haven done any of my hwk and i'm preparing to pia tmr in sch. haizz... I'm living a hard life.

While i'm tinking bout how boring my life is, my father's thinking bout how weird my grandma is. hmm... he has been toking bout her nonstop since she came to our hse on tues morning 8am!!!Guess my grandma is different from most ppl's. If u wonder y, it's better to nt noe. So my dad finally couldnt stand and went to catch my dear grandma in action juz now at night. Hmm... i suppose the scene muz be quite scary... One thing tho, the ONLY person my dear granny is scared of is my daddy. LOL Perhaps it's cuz my dad doesnt beg her nor ask for her help. haha... Haiz... Juz dun understand wad's there to find out when he alrdy noe wad she's doing. Damn lame and he actually asked me and my bro whether we wanna tag along!!! Haha... both of our ans is to stay at home at watch tv. LOL Glad we nvr go... ((: anyway the main thing is I HAVE A WEIRD FAMILY AND WEIRD RELATIVES. haizz... Wadeva... they r always weird during CNY. 2 weeks later would be back to normal... I'm hoping for this day to cum ((:


I say. 11:05 PM

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Heyx... Tried to organise a 2F cls outing today. Well, i tink it's one of the most unsucessful one of all. LOL BUT It's DAMN FUN!!! haha... Onli 4 Of us turned up. Me, Xy, Gel and YangZhi. Haha... Like so lame... The rest all seem to have to go to grandma's hse. LOL. For reunion dinner mah.

Went to eat 1st then arcade. Me and Gel damn lame... Started playing the bishi bashi games and i tink we r kinda noisy as many ppl r looking at us. But veh fun lah. Heck wad others think xD... Played GGX for the 1st time and i cant even beat the 2nd opponent =.=" And cm said to defeated all the opponents. Like a pro?!?!?! LOL actually is i lousy lah... Haiz after spending 1 hr there, YZ suggested go and play LAN. Tot it was lame but dunno y in the end we still landed there. 1st time going to LAN shop and we r like the onli gals there playing. LOL and i tot some ppl r looking at us. =.= We played CS. Damn saddist cuz i keep getting killed =.= Easily attacked from the back xD. Gel damn pro lah and she said it's her 1st time playing. I keep getting killed by her =.= She and Xy a team while me and Yz a team. LOL. So the main thing is tt i keep getting killed=.= but then quite fun if mass play. haha...

After 1hr of saddist playing, we went to the lib. Surprisingly it is opened. Then we gossip and gossip and gossip bout other ppl. LOL haha so funny... So fun and i found out some stuffs and learn bout things which i nvr ever tot of. Had a gd tok and i wonder it has been how long since i sat down and have a chat the 2F frenz tho it's juz 4 ppl.

Surprisingly i tot today totally ROX ((: Wonderful... ... It's a pity Hs dun wanna cum. hahaha... Nvm CNY go ppl's hse bai nian. Hu agree on the idea?!?! So now, muz find someone hu is willing to volunteer to let us go her/his hse xD haha...

In a few minutes time, it'll be 12... So early HAPPY CHINESE YEAR everyone!!!

I say. 11:17 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ooo... FINALLY my 1ST art period. Like a for once?!?!?! And it's alrdy sooo hard. Had a drawing test. At 1st i tot it was nth. Juz have to draw some funny SINGLE object and tt's it. Nvr in the world expect to draw still life with more than one object and one of it is a statue of a human's head. Soooo dif to draw and i'm sooo lan at drawing human's face. So u can all imagine how my 'art' piece will look like. hmm... ... Kinda like some out of shape thingy flying in thin air wif no idea wad's surrounding the sculpture? LOL. At least i drew 3 objects. 3hrs is nt alot of time... I would appreciate it if we can extend the time to 4 hrs? so tt i dun have to rush like siao and make my sea shell look horrible... haix. First lesson onli and i'm alrdy dying... Wad m i gonna do OR survive for the next 1 1\2 year?!?!?! Argh... My heart is bursting but i will nvr ever drop art. Cuz it's my dream to con't studying art so giving up now means regretting my whole life later... Hee... xD

Jiang Lee scolded me for reading comics in cls. haix. And she said tt these kind of books r rubbish =.= I tink they rox lor... Helps me improve my chi oral reading... Haix wadeva. Muz juz rmb NVR EVER read comics OR magazines in class cuz she thinks they r useless. =.= And i tink it's crap. Haizzz... Wad a life i'm living in...

So damn guai4. My dad changed the sofa at home and now i have to sit on some ultra hard wood chairs which makes my butt hurt every time i sit down and watch TV. Like a so unfair and leather smell is HORRIBLE!!! My mum sae it can last for a long time but i tink she cant stand too cuz it's like too hard to sit on AND it gives off a stinking smell. Hmm... If it's so lan then y still torture me and buy such a hard chair for me to sit on?!?!?! Told u my life is unfair...

I say. 10:20 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Haizz... Feel so sick today... Dint even wanna go sch but have 2 tests and i dun wanna retake it. Dint go for band today oso... Feel very sick when i reach home and running a fever when i woke up. Why muz this happen to me?!?!?! Somemore so near chi new year. Haizz... I tink i'm so unlucky lor... Hu's going to pity me?

Lala had a wonderful birthday... Receive lots of presents from my frenz!!! Thx u guys... ((: Oh and forgot to thank Shusi and Sophia!!! Thx sooo much for tt eeyore. So cute!!! ((: hmm... i tink tt my birthday is getting better and better every year... LOL

O.o I tink i'm damn naive... Fall for ppl's words so easily. Like a dumb kid lah. Wth?!?!?!?! So pissed rite now... Wonder if tt bloody hell person is treating me like a stupid little kid. Freak. Makes me feel so stupid. I'm very clever de lor =.=" At least i've learnt a lesson. Nvr believe SOME ppl's words. Blah...

Wahhh liao... I'm so disappointed tt day. Mann... Things have really changed alot for these past few years. Really makes me wonder y did i even tink bout in the 1st place? Like a lamer... I guess I'm juz living in my own virtual world and suddenly waking up realising tt everything is juz my imagination and soo nt true... Freak i hate myself for being so stupid. Pissed. Haizz.

I say. 9:53 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

Lalala... My frenz ROX!!! Wow... thx guys for all the presents. So sweet of u all ((:

And here's hu i wanna thank ((:

+Chuan Min(Happy Birthday to u TOO!!!)
+Hwee Bun
+Felina(U rawk and thx sooo much)

For celebrating my Birthday wif me ((: And also to ALL hu wished me Happy Birthday ((:

Btw, yuppz made my choice and hope i can stick wif it. *Keep fingers crossed* Lol

I say. 10:05 PM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm soooo proud of myself~ Finished my hwk ((: And nvr slack off at the computer today. It's gd... haha... less than half an hr more to go and it'll be my bdae... turning 15... Haix, going to be older le. lol... haha...

Yuppz... Tmr shall be the day i set my wishes and forget bout things which i promised myself to forget. ((:

Happy birthday to ME ((:

I say. 11:31 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Changed my blogskin cuz ppl say always hang. Now still hang? Hope not. Lurve this blogskin cuz of the pic. So sweet but abit sad... hmm... Sweet but sad? ya... hehe...

No Band!!! haha, no band today... so happy... And hy, sy and i decided to go Lot 1 to take some neoprints. How lame was tt? lol. But it's so fun!!! Hehe... Nearly overslept in the bus. Oops... so tired!!! I ended going home sleeping for 2 hrs straight, nt my longest record but ya, it was long :D Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep.. .. .. .. .. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz... I feel so sleepy nowadays.hmm... Maybe i'm thinking too much but definitely nt on sch work. lol.

Feel abit high now!!! Like i'm happy for no reason. haha, Wadeva~ This is CRAP

Like the song? It's suppose to be Reason of me by Avalon. Cool... But i dunno who's Avalon. lol

I say. 9:34 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

I'm living a horrible life. The day right after the performance, i get scolded by lee lee mui for nt handing in my corrections on time. She said she's nt going to mark. Shucks... I feel terrible, fancy having a black record on the 1st month of sch. Nt tt it's anyone's fault, juz tt no one told me there's hwk... Reminder: Check for hwk if u r nt in sch the day b4 . Anyway i tink onli mrs lee would be soooo unreasonable. Wadeva, it's over...

Went to buy bdae prezzie for chuan min, kinda lame deciding on the venue to go to. And in the end, we ended up at JP. lol... Bought sth for her. haha, i tot the gift is very lame. She might sae i'm lame when i hand her the gift. haha... haha... Now i find the gift i bought is very funny... hahahaha

Regarding my previous post, the miraculous sth did nt happen in my life today. I dun tink it will ever happen. Why wait?!?! =.= And i tot life is full of hope... I feel so hopeless rite now... Sec 3 is such a hard life. And i kinda get it when ppl tell me it's nt worth it. Cuz there will be no tmr is i keep waiting in vain. So i shld really start my life anew!!! Make new frenz, read more comics and watch more anime. lol... Have no one else to blame except myself... but hmm... i dun wish to blame myself for beig stupid any longer. I wanna let go but can i?! New resolution again!!! Do things within my limits ((:

I say. 5:47 PM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

yay!!! the cultral night performance is finally OVER. I kept wanting to pee when the curtain is bout to open. =.=" So lame and food the sch provided is quite horrible except yst's afternoon. Sucky... ... Haizz, today, we r nt as high as yst so nvr play as well but still, i tot is was quite gd. My family came to watch the performance today. Yay!!! they saw me!!! haha... Cuz they were sitting directly opp from where i was standing. the 2nd comment they made was, "y i nvr see hs?" lol... So funny. Then my bro said after putting the makeup, their faces look the same =.=" Kind of lah. :P Left sch at onli 6pm. So damn tired... ... haizz and thx to kenneth, we wasted 1 hr of travelling time juz to get to JE. How crappy was tt?!?! lol.

Ate pizza hut :D NICE!!! So long nvr eat le. haha, cost me a bomb... ... and now i'm broke...
Percussion Rox!!! !!! !!! I lurve my SECTION!!! Tho seems anti but wadeva :D haha...
Today so fun and i haven done my hwk at ALL. YAY!!! Gonna get killed by the teachers. I tink it's unfair but heck :D Tmr's gonna be a lame day... Maybe everyone pon sch? hoho, tt will be interesting to find out :D I soooooo tired...

Well, craving for sth to happen miraculously tmr... *pray*pray* I tink i'm juz being stupid... Refusing to believe tt no matter how much i wishh and wish and wish... Nth is going to change... Wonder y i even get my hopes high? Maybe is cuz i refuse to let go... hmm... makes me sign when i tink bout it... ... Haizz... haizz... have u ever experience sth when ur hopes get totally crushed when someone say something unexpectedly? I did... I'm growing up :( ----> :) ?

I say. 10:33 PM

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Yaya... I'm Soo happy today ((: yaya... Haha my wish for birthday came true today... yay!!! Tho bdae still long but haha, i wished and wished and wished and it came true ((: TODAY!!! haha... So happy ((:I was shocked but happy... haha. Nt much to sae.Lol. Juz hopes tt the same thing can happen tmr, the day after, the day after after, the day after after after... ... Tho i did nt do much bout it but yahm i'm happy ((: hehe... tt's all ((: lalala

I say. 8:15 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm pissed... cuz my daddy sae cnt quarrel wif my frenz cuz my results will drop :X I mean, wad then hell?!?! lol... But then i'm very pissed now(Not wif my daddy of cuz :)). But hmm... i shall be a nice gal and listen to him. Dun quarrel over tt stupid matter. The most if i cant take it. I juz scream and cry into geraldine's ear. lol. hahahaha. Y her? i dunno... haha

Went to do the percuz tee today... Very waste time leh. Haha but it's finally done!!! YAY!!! It's limegreen tho. I hope the seniors dun mind cuz i quite like tt colour :)) The design at the back is i tot of de but the colours is sec 3 choose de so i suppose our taste put tgt cant be tt bad ((: Shu Yi's dad treated us to fish & CO. Wahh... damn rich!!! Her dad ROX!!! haha... the food very nice but very expensive :X

Hmm... i cant tink of anything else to type le leh... Erm... Oh ya and one thing. I wanna sae, anyone u treat as a fren cant be tt bad rite? If u'll always finding faults then cant be considered a fren anymore rite? hmm... Hu agree?!?! And tag to post ur views :))

I say. 7:05 PM

Monday, January 09, 2006

Heyx... Like very long nvr blog le leh. Feel so sianx. Haha but today is a muz muz cuz it's my 1st official art lesson. haha...

Dunno wad we will do till i reached sch and someone started telling me tt we will be going shopping today!!! Ahh!!! Freaked out cuz i nvr bring much money today. So i went around borrowing some money and Hui Yi very rich and lended me some money. lol!!! Thx arh!!! It saved me... :P Dun understand but y i nvr receive the call yesterday to tell me to bring some money?!?!? Abit pissed but wadeva ._. Then took taxi wif mrs chan back to jp. haha, she paid of cuz. lol.

Physics lesson is the 1st period today!!! Lee Lee mui is scary!!! Omg gt called up to do a sum today. Gd thing it's the easier one or else i'll be dead? lol. And had to sacrifies my 1st break to complete the worksheet. Not cuz i'm lazy but cuz she decided to ask us to complete the whole paper. So haizz...

Chem teacher Sux!!! Wahh... So whinney... I totally cant stand her and her actions like to predictable... Juz whine and whine.So is a boiling tube used for heating or a test tube?! She insist tt it's a test tube. So wad u tink? Yucks. Geog oso lah but is cuz the teacher is like so soft... Ask her speak up, she says she's trying her best le and NVR EVEN increase her volume. Wad the crap lah... My teachers like very inexperience leh EXCEPT for some. haizz... 2 years?! I'm gonna die. xD

I say. 9:03 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hmm today is a crappy day. But it's fun ((: I love my class!!! haha

I say. 10:19 PM

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Heyx... Happy New Year ppl!!! Happy 2006!!! Hahaha... seems like everyone alrdy gt their new year resolutions so i'm counted as very lag cuz i dun have a list yet. I insist i muz do one!!! So i'm now thinking of wad to write. haha

::No. 1:: Be a gd gal and TRY to reach home early everyday.
::No. 2:: Achieve gd results. Esp in physics cuz i'm scared of Lee lee mui XD
::No. 3:: Muz be better at counting timing... =.= sux at it.
::No. 4:: Make Frenz wif 3K ppl
::No. 5:: Nvr be late for Sch
::No. 6:: Finish hwk on time
::No. 7:: Find the PERFECT guy
::No. 8:: Hmm... like nth else le leh, NO MORE... haha

Ok tt's all, now i'm happy...

I say. 9:51 PM

Monday, January 02, 2006

Yikes!!! Sch reopening tmr!!! And i'm going to move to a new class~ Haizz... Dunno needa bring lots of books? Cuz clearly i'm not bringing many. My bag seems like, IT IS LIGHT. haha, 3K? Wondering hu's my classmate or wad so ever. So exciting... ooo... Like REAL. yikes!

I'm dead. Haven buy somethings yet and i've juz realised tt it's CCA day tmr and i cant go and get the stuffs. Wad to do?! Nth's to be done... haizz, blame it on my dad hu doesnt allow me to go anywhere. I tink he's turning into a MONSTER!!! !st he says i have to cut fruits for the family everyday and tt day, he says i have to clean my own plates and spoons. AND u noe WAD?! He says i have to clear my bed everyday starting from tmr !!! Which means i have to wake up even earlier to do tt. And i'm alrdy waking up very early... Wahh... Y muz this happen to me?!?!?! And he's saying i'm gonna have to iron my clothes, wash my shoes SOON!!! Proberly in a week's time, tt will officially take place.YIKES!!! Why is this happening to me?!?!?! Boo...Boo... Sob...

Haizz... That's Why sometimes, It's nt easy being ME. Mann... this is tiring.

I say. 9:49 PM


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