Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hmm... Right now, i'm thinking wad will happen to me tmr if i nvr finish my hwk by today? Guess i get to find out myself tmr. Argh... I actually spent half my time sleeping today and now trying to pia my hwk but to no avail... :( i feel so sick!!! Haiz... Cough cough...Pity me plz... LOL

Saw lots of RV ppl at Orchard yst. Doing flag day... Kinda slacking i tink. but ha, u get to get CIP hrs. Met up wif George, Birdflu and Xintong. I was late for 20 mins cuz i woke up at the time when i'm suppose to get out of the hse ._. That was when george sms me. Or else, i dun have to go any where le. Lame excuse tho. haha. Went to Kbox, sing sing sing sing and sing more when in between sth went wrong but nvm. =.=

Went to watch Eunice perfrom at kallang theatre. Chinese dance =.= Like a i understand wad they r trying to express. But haix, Eunice mah... so muz support her ((: During the performance,when xintong and i wanted to giggle, the ppl in front turned back and give us THAT look. Not onli once, i tink shld be at least 3 times bah ._. I tink the ppl sitting in front of us r dancers cuz they sit up so straightly, unlike me :( the space is so restricted tt i actually bumped into the person's hair bun when i'm bending down to grab sth. So diu lian and my head actually hurt.

Ouch... ...

I say. 5:47 PM

Friday, February 17, 2006

Life is kinda boring these few days... Haiz but today no test so i slept while others having their lit exam. Slack but some ppl complete lots of things within tt one hr =.= unlike me... I tink i'm reaching home late everyday now... sianx then i'll be sooo tired. So now it's a gd gurl turning bad~ haha

Gonna be broke for the next few days... Cuz next week 4 for my fave comic books will be out... Yay and Boo!!! Cuz no money again. haix... dun wanna tok bout it anymore... plus i'm tired ._.
Changed to this blogskin temporarily cuz i wanna change a skin to suit my blog song. Sooo.... .. .. .. . .. . . . . hmm, is my blog song nice? haha, twinkle twinkle little star... It's onli in the beginning onli mah so ppl, dun mind so much bout it and say is act cute ((: It's suppose to be cool... heheh

I say. 10:21 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

MY PHYSICS IS A GONE!!! FLUNK!!! hmm... die

I say. 7:44 PM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

OMG OMG wad a bz day for me... LLM last min sae she wanna have physics remedial and we all have to stay back for it. Haizz... Combine cls wif 3B... wahh... like sitting roller coaster ride cuz we r sitting juz rite in front of her. Thank goodness she nvr ask us to ans her questions cuz i all dunno how to ans =.=" Wad's worse is tt i have to rush for tuition at the nearby MAC rite after the remedial. So tiring... ... Sry Hs and stanley arh... have to wait for me...

AND the WORST thing happened. In the middle of the tuition, LLM suddenly walked into the MAC. All of us r shocked. And she actually walked over to us and ask us wad we r doing. We replied and she actually said "so good..." Dunno if i heard it wrongly but ya, tt's basically it. She sat juz opposite us and it makes me soooooo nervous when i hear her toking. Seems like she's giving another person from another sch tuition. How freaky is tt?!?!?!?! My god... Next time if I see her again at MAC, think she's going to ask me the same questiona and i pray pray pray pray she will nt sit opposite us or next to us cuz when she did tt, i dun dare to tok. Haha... We immediately changed the subject to chem (we r having physics then). So funny... hmm... and scary too...

If this happens one more time, i dun wanna go commonwealth MAC for tuition le. Pressure lah... LOL

I say. 11:07 PM

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hello ppl, i'm now living in a damn horrible life!!! Argh... i'm gonna die soon. So many things r happening. So much to do but so little time )): So now wad??!?!!? Freak... Jiang Li pin pointed for my socks again and this time i du even tink my socks r low. Juz cuz LKC said tt our cls girls socks r low doesnt mean all and freak, she wants to get a new pair of new socks by tmr. Like WTF?!?! How on earth m i suppose to find a new pair of RV socks by tmr morning?!?!? Even though she warned me tt day but she sae wear better socks nt force to get new pair and now cuz of some complains, she insist i have to get my socks by tmr. Pissed?!!?!?!?!?!?!!? I wanted to tell her tt currently RV socks r out of stock so how m i suppose to get new ones? but considering the fact tt i'm nice, i dint want her to die of anger and wad bout her baby? It is innocent. Arent i nice and isnt she evil . Freak. Seem to always get caught by her for doing sth wrong. Like wad's the prob wif her lah, doesnt she have better stuffs to do?!?! And y she onli seem to catch me? I do her hwk lah. I tink she shld juz care bout herself and dun always look down checking my socks in case she falls, tt will be SOOOOOO SAD. Argh...

I say. 7:26 PM


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Webmiss: CAiBEi
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