Thursday, March 16, 2006

Band orientation yst. It's ok but messy. I dun understand y others can be kept clean except me?!?!?! I had mud all over my hair, my shirt is so unwearable. Believe me, the feeling kinda sux. Although i kinda like the last part of the programme :D

Went to IMM wif shuyi and bought a new mp3. Cool cuz i finally gt a mp3 of my own. Plus it's below my budget. (: Yup, i'm happy :D However, there's a reason for it being so cheap of cuz. Onli found out when i reached home. First, i placed the battery wrongly and let it to rot for the next 4 hrs of charging and in the end, nth is done =.= Even had difficulty taking out the bettery aft tt. Tried to copy songs into the mp3 aft tt and com for some reason cant read the device. Gt stuck at tt part for a long long long time until today, when i reached home, my bro helped me.Thx bro :D AND it finally read the device and i can officially copy songs into my mp3.
I tot it's a happy ending but NO. Cuz rite now, i cant figure out how to use the mp3 and change the settings. So, the chi song titles all turn out to be guai lan. Pissed. I tink i'll have better luck tmr.

For some reason, i seem to have loads of unfinished VCDs which i cant seem to find time to finishing watching it. And going to be sch reopen soon. Yikes, and it's ANIME somemore. Haiz, m i really such a bz person? Hmm... So rite now, i have to complete watching Shaman king box 5, chrono chrusade and yugi-oh(Dun tink i'll watch this) My whole stack of unfinished anime is due to my addiction to a korean show a few days ago. hmm... Now it makes me look as if i'm always watching TV. :(


I say. 10:42 PM

Monday, March 13, 2006

Juz spent more than 7 hrs on watching VCDs :D Haha... Siaox but ya, I'm ADDICTED:) Haiz.This means i've juz wasted a whole without doing anything. Wad m i going to do?!?! This March holiday sux x) Out of 5 weekdays, this is the onli day which i dun have to go to sch. WTH? And hwk pile up like ahemm... =.= This sux... Sec 3 life is definitely horrible x(

Wee... At least i had a fun day yst. Went to bugis then to the NATIONAL lib. It looks NATIONal:) It's like FREAKING BIG can?!?! Gosh, felt so diu lian to the fact tt i actually nearly got lost. Couldn't find the general corner=.= haiz. Even the ppl look national. Freak. Haha but the lib is cool. Got lots of books. :)) Yup, i'm happy :D Dad gave me a talk for like 1 hr everyday ever since i showed him my progress report. Wonder how he linked physics to reading of newspaper and then to my art and finally photography. Wahh... Try being me for a day. U Cant take it mann :)

I'm living a hard life!!! Yucks XP

I say. 9:35 PM

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hey hey... Today ROX ((: haha... Band is actually fun today!!! Not tt i nvr gt scolded by miss chan (I always do) but i gt to play the snare drum for the very 1st time!!! haha and oso the crash cymbals and bassdrum. COOL ((: The crash part is soo cool and tiring. Have to hold it for at least 10 bars and play continuously. I was sweating like shit by the time miss chan stopped playing the song. Blah x) Hahah It rox!!!

Sux for my papers. Yikes!!! Like a C5 or worst for all my papers. Failed my physics. Damn proud of it xD congrats to those hu passed. WOW I gt zero for almost all my structured and at least gt 12marks worth of questions nvr do. Haha I'm going to die if LLM ask us to bring the paper home and have it signed. Hmm... DIE x) The rest, haiz nt worth mentioning cuz most prob i juz pass the paper. Haiz... Have to put in more effort for the next half the year cuz i dun wanna drop any subs :(

LALALA~ Haha... Happy today la... I completed my physics prac on time ((: tt's all

I say. 8:59 PM


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