Sunday, January 28, 2007

OMG OMG OMG!!! I Saw FAHRENHEIT today! i SHAKE hands with FAHRENHEIT TODAY! They smiled AT Me today!!! They are SUPER HOT, SHUAI AND COOL!!! I LOVE ARRON, CALVIN, JIRO AND CHUN!!! They are like 10000 times better in person la!!! AHHHH!!!!

Reached IMM at bout 8.30am today and the thing started at 6.00pm! Siao rite?! hahaha but when we reached, at least 100++ ppl waiting there alrdy... The FCs was there like yst morning?!?! Front seats lo and they bloody hell Put there bags to chop places for their frenx la!!! And we're like sqeezing at the back wif no breathing space?! Good thing the security ask them to lift up their bags and shift in... but the bloody shit security keep telling us the same OLD thing... :" U all! Better MOVE in! Or else, move to the BACK and Queue!" We're like super du diao la, nt we dun wanna move lo, is the front ppl refuse to give space? we dying at the back, they in front lfting out their legs sleeping la... WTH!=.= Bu shuang lo!!! But at least we made some new frenx:D:D:D Fellow FAHRENHEIT FANS!!!! hahahaha... Common topic to tok about... haha!

Bout 5.00pm? ppl started screaming for no reason la... then everyone tot Fahrenheit coming, need to get ready then they all stood up and rushed forward... then the pushing begins... All of us got seperated la...Only me and Xin tong were standing tgt lo... Everyone like packed sardines la... SUPER HOT inside tho i tink they lowered the temp of the shopping centre...Stupid ppl gave false alarms when they started getting excited for no reason. Monkey see then Monkey do mah... then everyone started doing the same thing. AND it was chaos... haha... LOST bags, Wadeva shit... lots of them!!! Then ppl jux keep passing forward to the host. MALI! She super nice la... Jux b4 FAHRENHEIT ARRIVED, she started entertaining us and all of us got supper excited and started screaming FLH!!! hahaha, i knew how to ans all the questions! hahaha, easy la... LOL! When Fahrenheit finally arrived? the CROWD went WILD!!! They started screaming and screaming. Me and Xin tong got so excited till we jux started jumping and screamong on the spot... haha, i nearly cried out! LOL, too happy(: They EVEN more SHUAI in PERSON la... Wahhh!!! ALL my prince charmings la... hahaha...Calvin SUPER SUPER SHUAI in person!!! Who say he ugly lo... He very shuai leh!!! Then Arron, Jiro and CHUN?! All expected la... but 10000times more shuai in person... hahahahaha....LOVE them ALL<3<3<3

They SANG only have feelings for u, ai dao and xia xue! ALL SUPER nice and they sing live leh!!! Not bad seh... GOt improve!!! haha AHH GOT dance!!!COOL!SHUAI!... They dun wanna look down lo, like to look up:D then nvr see me... sad leh:(but heck, me and Xin tong still screamed our lungs OFF!!! AHHHHHHH!!!Ppl jux keep pushing and pushing... No barriers oso so dunno hu can go 1st for the signatures so they jux keep pushing forward... SIAN la! But we still 1st few la compared to the rest at the back(:

When we're jux about to move up to the stage, Sherry, Xintong and I started screaming CALVIN hoping he can look at us and he DID!!! OMG!!! He smiled and waved to us!!! We're like... AHHHHH!!!! and we jux started screaming and jumping on the spot... haha! Then we shouted Arron's name and he did the same thing!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!! We jux WENT SUPER WILD!!! 2 times in a row leh!!! Partly cuz we near them la... haha... OMG OMG OMG, moment of a life time!!! hahahaha... I was feeling very nervous when i was bout to go up. LOL very very nervous but after shaking hands wif CHUN, i felt so excited bout shaking the rest... lol! I even said JY and U're VERY SHUAI to all of them and they jux smiled and said thx to me... Shake hands leh!!! SUPER MAN la in person... i was like WOAH~ Fainting soon... haha. I gave my LOVE letter to Calvin instead of Arron(Actually the letter is for all of them) Cuz his looks surprised me most today then i tink he very shuai oso... hahaha...<3<3<3>!!! When i got off the stage, the 1st thing i did was to look for gel and we both started screaming and jumping!!! haha but after awhile she said siao =.= and give me du diao face... Good thing XinTong walked out and we SCREAMED and JUMPED on the spot for like 20 secs? ppl were like looking at us... hahaha.... ppl mux be thinking i crazy le... haha... WOAH!!! today 10hrs is like soooo worth it after seeing them and having them waved to me!!! OMG!

When we left, ppl are still all queueing up lah... dunno whether they finish alrdy... shld be bah... it's 11.30pm now le leh... But the queue really very very very long arh... Within the gates alone can fit in bout more then 200 ppl cuz they all sqeezing? Then they queue up in like queues of 4? within the shopping centre at the back to outside the carpark again and all the way back to the main entrance so u can imagine how many ppl were there and how big is IMM now... Good thing we early, they still smile and look at u when u shout their names... lol! When we left, not even 1/4 ppl sign finish yet lo i tink... Got a poster from Kenneth cuz he say his mum will kill him if he hangs the poster up in his room... haha, for me? heck! i hang wadeva i wan... hahahaha

I really felted comforted when i could finally see them in person. They look so much better!!! and they are alrdy very shuai in covers!!! AHH!!! hahaha, they tmr going back le... Argh... sad:( Hope they'll be back soon!!! i'll supported foreva!!! FAHRENHEIT! Jia YOU!!!:D:D:D

Ps: Longest post yet... hahaha too excited(:

I say. 11:01 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!! Hahahahaha... Got the best Birthday gift from the percussion mates!!!A JUSTICE GUNDAM MODEL! Gel said she and kenneth spent 3 hrs on it... THX SOOO much!!! OMG! i cant believe they spent so much time and effort one my gift. THX THX THX!!!it's kinda pinkish colour... lol! And i got a CAKE from the sec 4s! Ahhhh... a pleasant surprise:D:D:D Wee~ Dint expect tt too... Gel kept went to the toilet for a damn long time... After tt NEO and WONG oso went to the toilet for an even longer time! Lol, excuse for buying the cake... They walked pass my back and started singing the bday song wif the cake... LOL!!! Stun... ...dint expect tt coming... THX guys!!!

THX chuanmin for giving me a gift too! I love the DOG:D LOL!

SYF Training at S'pore conference hall today. It was cool:D Ms Chan keep saying my cymbals too loudT_T hahah, kinda true la... but it's a good experience...LOL!

HAPPY SWEET 16 to ME!!!(:

I say. 3:52 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

WTF?! I'm nt taking higher art paper le!!! PISSED!!! then cant DSA for art stream... SOB SOB!!!T_T All cuz of tt EGG! SAD!!! PISSED!!! Haix~ 1st unhappy news of the week!

Today is band's day(: SEC1s came in and flooded the band room to try out the instrus. LAME! This year sec1s very DAO leh but most the guys look quite tall which is a good sign(: But getting more and more qian bian.ARGH!Lol...

Haix~Juniors have to jia you!!! Dun slack anymore or else u guys will have a hard time when the seniors go, ESP when current SL and ASL leaves. Some of ur AP mux change leh. U all BUSHUANG, seniors oso BUSHUANG la... There r times where u really have to work hard and pay attention. U wanna AP, do it after BAND like wad i've say today. Before tt, we teach, u listen! It's so not easy being the eldest in band... Joking around sometimes is good but it gets irritaing when the matter gets out of hand... Hope we can work harder tgt(:

I say. 7:46 PM


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