Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Someone sent me a msg today(or rather yst night). Told me to pass the chain mail to 10 people so tt i'll meet my true love at 12. How weird is tt?! XT said she usually believes it and asked me not to send it to her. LOL, i dint wanna believe but she made it sound so real till i decided to sent it to 10 other ppl. It's crap. LOL and i've jux wasted 10 sms on this useless chain msg. hahaha paiseh to those i had sent. :P LOL &i wanna ask tt person who sent me this stupid chain msg if this 'curse' will come true? Cuz i nvr believed in fairy tales's happy endings.& NTH happened at 12 today! I only rmb i was in class daydreaming... ...

Had a wish which i prayed for at the beginning of the year, it came true(: But my reaction was not wad i expected. LOL I LOVE my FRIENDS!((:

Kanna scolded by mr chen today T_T I sux at chem! T_T I will pia harder de! But 1st, i need to find a way to understand the concepts without confusing myself. T_T & tt is kinda hard:(

WHEE~ I LOVE TVfXQ! and FAHRENHEIT! ps. like who dun knows...

I say. 9:50 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

YAHOO!Whee~I finally finished my LIB CIP! It was not exactly enjoyable but it was not toooooo bad(: Haha, Call me pro! Pia 16 hrs of lib CIP within 2 days. Wahoo!:D
Now i got 30(:

Haha, yesterday morning, xintong and i went to do flag day.We went to a market place near my house. T_T some aunties there super unfriendly lah, dun wanna donate still dao us. We nvr even force u lor. -Wadeva- Then got 1 bullshit guy told his fren when i asked him for donations, :"Why always me?! See RV ppl, i dun wanna donate liao." HELL him?! Pls lah...U dun like RV ppl, FINE! jux keep it to urself can?!U dun have to announce it to the whole world. Spoilt my mood for the morning): BUshuang him.

Today, gel & i started CIP at 10.30am. LOL was late(: We worked quite hard. lol. I felt like giving up during the last 1 hr. My leg was hurting like shit. ): Good thing the librarian noticed and she gave us some super slack jobs for the last 45 mins. YAY! and now everything's done:D I can get my BIG HEARTS AWARD(: Wow, wadeva-... 0.o Anyw, I COMPLETED MY NYAA!!! Dun need worry bout it le((: GEL too! haha...
Ps.Lame shit to wad happened at the lib today... hahaha.

I say. 10:28 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here

HEHE... Wonder who will do this test for me?!

I say. 6:58 PM

Friday, May 04, 2007

U-know Dance solo(:

Xman- DBSK! Super funny((: Wrestling part 1

Part 2

I say. 6:30 PM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Haix.CHEM today! Shit crap... In the end oso dunno how to do. WHY?!Study so hard also the same... LOL, got rather pissed wif myself. x( Look at the structured essays, yeah. Got stunned by them. My head go blank everytime i look at the papers. BU SHUANG leh. Then after exam, i realised i knew how to do the questions. EVERYtime oso like tt de T_T

I wanna go out! Pia after exams. EXAM PERIOD is BORING!

MATTERS not resolved! Fine, i admit i kinda like u altho we nvr talk much. But u piss me off after every conversation! WTH! Maybe u dunno it lah... Haha, do u even bother?! This sucks mann... Haix, finally put an end to it. Jux realised i wasted 10 mins of my time thinking bout this matter & it's soooo not worth it. o.0 SO i've decided! NVR bother wif someone who doesnt bothers ever again(: Decided nt to block, cant bear to... Lol :X One good thing is tt u'll nvr read this.

100天的约定![Wonderful story] It's over((:

I say. 10:48 PM


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Site: fantasticgirlz.blogspot.com
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

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Fonts: DF.com
Brushes: M.de, FM.net, JC.net, RM.org, FS.org
Designer: P.A:D, Pinked-.BS.com


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