Friday, June 29, 2007

AHHHH- I think i've been sleepwalking in sch for the past few days till today. ._. Totally cant rmb wad i've learn and said in sch the morning after i got home in the afternoon. AHHHH! so guily :x So i learnt my lesson and slept at 10 yst. (: Whee- Okay, tho i ALMOST fell asleep in sch again but MINQI always pat my shoulders and brought me back to reality xD HAHA so thanks lots minqi! LOL(: So lesson learnt- NEVER SLEEP LATER THAN 12 FOR THE WHOLE WEEK 7 DAYS.

OMG i jux realised how slack i was during the holidays! I was left wif 2 prelim chem papers, all my chi hwk and 1 physics prelim when sch reopned. &AND I managed to complete every single one of it by friday the first week! Completed by FORCE of course EVERYTHING! Stun. xD It was a good thing tho,so i'm busy this weekend again cuz art's layouts got rejected. T_T Really wanna cry le, everyone's got approved except mine. -HAIX- Sian. wasted 1 afternoon in the holidays painting the layout and ong said it was rubbish.Fine lo... I noe my painting technique nt good. T_T -SIAN- ANd i dunno which one i shld do now tt i have more layouts... problems problems problems


I say. 6:44 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Quite fun:D Had our speeches then taught the juniors how to march wif the drums.
DAMN COOL lah! HAHA, i jux wanna say for the last time I LOVE MY MARCHING BASS DRUM!!! evn though i suck at hitting it loudly. HAHA! Made me rmb how i used to hit into Shuyi everytime we march cuz she always stand in front of me. LOL
Then at night, i read GEL's blog bout band. YEAH! After being seniors for 2 years, i totally forgot bout the fun times we had when we were sec 1 and 2 till she wrote them out again... ... LOL! As i read it, tears jux flowed out. HAHA, i'm such an emo person!& Gel actually believe me when i said i cried ._. Touching mah... HAHA.

HELL FUN! SECTION BBQ TODAY!!!!!! haha but i missed the afternoon activities cuz i had to complete some of my art 1st. :'( ARGH! Anyw, when we reached there, kenneth was trying very hard to set up the fire but hmm... ... LOL, in the end, NEO's father helped xD! And he's PRO :D The food tasted GOOD! HAHA, few times which BBQ outings went so well xD Then we took lots of photos. HAHA, Gel prepared farewell presents for the sec4s. OMG, THANKS! & the gift is like super nice lah. I wanna make sth for the sec 4s too! But i tink only have time after O's. SORRY! SARAH, GLORIA AND HUISEE gave us presents too! So sweet of them :D & the presents were cute!(: WangJia and his mum came too((: But they left early :( DDNN stayed tho :) The Juniors started playing water bomb. LOL, everyone's wet in the end. Our main target were just YIFEI and KENNETH :/ LOL
OMG, today's FUN:D! I very long nvr enjoy this kind of outings alrdy. Today's a good break:D I wanna have it next time again! AGAIN! LOL

I say. 1:14 AM

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

&i read it. -tears tears tears-

I say. 2:44 PM

Monday, June 18, 2007

Which TVXQ member fits you the best??

Hero JaejoongCOngradulations, you best fit Kim Jaejoong, he's very romantic and a smooth type of guy that you'll like....
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

I say. 11:30 PM

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Aaron's(ya lun) 2 best friends passed away.It's quite long alrdy and i knew bout it a long time ago but... i dint visit his blog until today. OMG, it's so sad. I dint expect myself to keep crying after i read the post. Tears jux flowed down... I realised the fear if i ever loses any of my friends. Who will expect wad's coming. Xt asked me the question b4 but i dint really put much thought to it cuz i tot we cant be tt unlucky. But things are hard to imagine. i cant imagine if any of my love ones leave my side.

&I LOVE YOU, my friends and family(:

I say. 12:32 PM

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

LOL it's the annual band camp yesterday. haha and yeah- abit late in blogging bout it but i was SO tired yesterday!
Anyw. we started off my going to Gloria's house to cook the fishballs. And i tot i was the earliest one to reach! NO.:( Yifei and peiling reached like super early lah, when i saw them at the mrt station, stun! LOL. Then waited for everyone to reach and we walked to gloria's hse.

LOL, we said we wanted to cook the fishballs? In the end, gloria's mum cooked it for us and we slacked. HAHA so THANKS LOTS to gloria's mum!

The day camp was lame. LOL esp. the water bomb game. The senior's questions are lame and some are difficult. HY and I compete agaainst each other! Whee- oh but i wasnt fast enuf. LOL we kept losing:(

AND finally the tradition of RVband camp. EEEWWw... this year's mixture is gooey! I still have the smell on my hands. yuck! Smells like coffee, toothpaste plus lots of other disgusting stuffs mix tgt. LOL good thing this's my last year alrdy. HAHAHA but this year is my dirtiest time yet!:( The juniors keep running away! They're like so afraid they kanna the STUFF. I was chasing DDNN until i gave up. LOL tiring lah. Gel oso but none of us managed to catch him. WTH. HAHAHA, Quite fun lah except for the dirty and gooey part. LOL but the chasing was fun. LOL!

I say. 10:09 AM

Friday, June 08, 2007

GO this blog and READ! Damn FUNNY!

I say. 12:47 PM

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Went back to sch for art today. Muahaha... Nth to show the teacher:( How on earth m i going to complete 80 drawings by sch reopen when up till now, i've only done 10?!SOBS! Haix... No time to study le lah. T_T And my hwk haven finish yet lo. Problems problems problems... ...
Anyw. Went to bugis with SAMANTHA & PEIQI today! Bought nth. HAHA, i'm broke lor. & Fahrenheit's XIE ZHEN is OUT! I wanna buy!!! But i'm broke... LOL. Nvm, shall not go out and play alrdy. I shall stay at home to study & save money$$$. Wahahaha... Since i have so much things to do(:

I've watched PIRATES!!! with GEL and NEO yesterday. Super nice! & who said it was draggy. I was still waiting for the draggy part and *poof* the movie ended:D Super NICE lah & so sad! -Can only meet every 10 years! - I LOVE CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW! He's cute! haha and orlando bloom too(: HAHA Gel was late so NEO and i slacked around and waited for her. LOL and we missed the first 2 mins of the movie! haha. Took NEOs too(:

HEYX!Heard of Thanks for ur Gentleness before? by SHE and Fahrenheit When i first heard, it dint sound very nice but after awhile, i thought it sounded quite soothing and nice.(: and the MV is nice! cuz it's ft. Fahrenheit((: hahaha...
DADONG: U shld cut ut hair le!
YALUN!: Still as cute as ever. :D HAHA but hair not as nice:(

Here's the MV(:

I say. 9:41 PM

Monday, June 04, 2007

I love my friends!!! Samantha and Xintong! See this?! LOL
Add Glitter to your Photos

Cute rite? haha it's a BLING BLING Muahahahas:D Super lame, took this photo in class today(Sam bought the poster) LOL. We look retarded! hahas. So i decided to make this 'cute' blingbling. haha...

Xintong and i went to Kbox today. WOOTS! for 6 hrs straight. LOL cuz they no lunch alrdy. Sian, cheat my money. :x LOL but nvm lah, last time wif XT before the exams. We keep peeping over to the next room and the guys keep looking at us when we're looking. WTH LOL, so in the end, i still cant figure out how many guys are there in the room :( HAHA, we sang so many many many songs. LOL, Samantha dint go cuz she cant. :( Sam: See THIS?! I'll go with u some other day okay?! HAHA, K box is exp sometimes but SUPER fun:D Can't catch the keys :( WAHHHS T_T... & XT is good. haha!

DAD ban me from watching CSS! ARGH! So i dint manage to watch the guys sing. AHH, so sad T_T... & i was looking forward to it lo. Pah. SIAN-ED :/ Can't stand being at home these few days, getting those COMMENTS again & i'm still disappointed. Siam out of home tmr!!! for band(:

I say. 11:13 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Haix... It's a NO again :'( The same answer, same reaction 2 years ago. The only good thing was my reaction was not as GREAT as the previous time. Good thing my bro console me(: And also thanks to tt newly added guy hu GL me. HAHAHAHA... Okie GEL! i'm better now. I dun tink i'll cry like shit anymore(: anyw, i guess Japan con't to be the country i wanna visit most but not yet visit :'( Haix, gd thing i dun look back... Concentrate on my studies, to prove to him i can do it! I know he looks down on me and always compare me with my bro. I know he always thinks tt my bro is cleverer than me. Even today when sth happened at home and i solved the prob, he walked up to me and said "learn from ur brother, apply knowledge during daily life." Hell, y shld i always be the one to be look down at. Life is UNFAIR! And i'm the one who's older, why shld he be given more chances?! I jux dun understand, my results are the same as his in pri sch and U only rmb mine being 240+++. THIS IS BIASED! I'm so pissed with myself and with you... Because of wad u said this afternoon, i make sure i'll work double hard to prove tt wadeva shit stuffs in ur mind bout me is WRONG. -So wrong-

I say. 10:56 PM

100 questions bout myself and TVXQ(:

001. What is your name? CAiBEi:D
002. Nicknames? Erm... Lun-sao. LOL
003. Date of birth? 20-01-1991!
004. Girl or Boy? GIRL!
005. Blood type? Dunno. LOL, either A or AB
006. Height and Weight? Secret
007.Eye color & Hair color ? Both brown
008. Where were u born? Singapore
009. Where are u living now? Still Singapore.
010. Family members? Both parents and 1 younger bro
011. Hobbies? Singing! Read & listening to MUSIC!
012. Dreams? To be a fashion designer.(Not quite possible, LOL)
013. Specialties? Sad to say, NONE:(
014. Pets? Nope...
015. Righty or lefty? RIGHTY:D

016. Favorite season? Spring!
017. Favorite color? Pink and GREEN!
018. Favorite flower? Roses...
019. Favorite food? Ice-cream!
020. Favorite drink? Bubble tea
021. Favorite sport? Rollerblading
022. Favorite movie? Too much to mention
023. Favorite music? TVXQ and Fahrenheit's SONGS
024. Favorite number? 7!
025. Favorite holiday? Trip to New Zealand
026. Favorite book? The little prince(:
027. Favorite manga? DN angel
028. Favorite anime? Gundam Seed Destiny
029. Favorite song? Too much to mention(: But mostly JPOP

030. One word to describe U? Logical...LOL
031. Something good about U? Optimistic
032. Something bad about U? think too much
033. What do u think about yourself? I RAWK!
034. Celebrities u like or u look up to? NONE
035. Song that best describes yourself? hmm... ...
036. Most important person in your life? My parents(: and bro
037. What kind of person do u hate? Rude ppl
038. First Love? -
039. How many times have u said “I Love U”? Not much...
040. How many times have someone told u “I Love U”? Not much too...
041. Ur ideal boy or girl? Sweet
042. What do u want to give for your lover? Haven thought bout it yet
043. What things makes u happy? depends
044. What things makes u sad? When i'm disappointed in someone
045. Are u afraid of the pain? Errrrrr... YES!
046. What do u look at first towards your opposite sex? Height. LOL
047. What would u do if your lover cheated on you? Jux break up:(
048. When do u want to get married? Dunno:/
049. If someone u love ended up loving your friend? Cant stop it from happening
050. How long will u wait for the person u love? Depends(:

051. Best looking person of the opposite sex you’ve ever seen so far? LOTS(:
052. What would u say to the people who are actually reading this? U must do it Qs too!!!
053. If u could become a character in a movie, who would it be? I'm happy being myself(:
054. Do u believe in Love at first sight? Hmm... yes?
055. What would u do if u saw the person of your dreams? Keep staring at him, HAHA
056. What would u do if u could be invisible? Sneak into my fren's room and see wad's she's doing. LOL
057. If u can change the color of the sky, what color it would be? RAINBOW colours!
058. What would u do if u found someone u love more than the person that u are dating now? I dun wanna think bout this...
059. Most important possession? My memories(:
060. Most embarrassing moment? LOTS
061. Places where u would like to visit? JAPAN!& France
062. How long can u be mad with someone? short-10mins long-1month?
063. One thing u would like to fix from the past? I nvr look back
064. If u could meet anyone who would it be? TVXQ and FAHRENHEIT!
065. Something u need right now? My brain power!
066. What are u wearing right now? Shirt and shorts. LOL
067. Foreign languages that u want to learn? Japanese!
068. Where would u like to go for a date? Movies(:
069. What do u do on a rainy day? Stay at home and sleep.
070. What’s your ring-tone? Step by step!
071. What do u do when u’re alone? Read my comics(:
072. Would u marry someone that don’t know your language? Maybe...
073. If u could be reborn? then?!
074. Do u change your mind easily? Not really... depends
075. Are u honest? Ermm... yeahh... haha
076. Did u enjoy answering this? Not too bad(:
077. What are u going to do after finishing this? Press add reply
078. Will u read the others member’s 100 Q&A? Selective ones.
079. Are u happy with your life now? YES:D
080. Any last words? Izzit ending soon?!

081. How did u come to TVfXQ4ever? i google it
082. What do u think about this forum? COOL:D
083. How did u know about TVfXQ? Not very long.
084. How long have u been TVfXQ’s fan? Not very long.
085. What do u think about TVfXQ? I LOVE THEM!
086. Favorite member? HERO:D
087. Favorite album so far? Balloons
088. Favorite couple? NONE
089. Favorite song? LOTS!
090. Any other artist that u like beside of TVfXQ? Fahrenheit(fei lun hai)
091. First impressions of each member? Cool(Micky), sweet(Max), cute(Xiah), mysterious(HERO!) and WOAH!(U-know)
092. What would u change of them? Nth, they are who they are.
093. Who do u think are their rivals? Themselves
094. Are u going to be their fans forever? YES YES YES!
095. What would u do if u meet them someday? Scream!
096. Describe Hero Jae Joong with one word? HOT!
096. Describe U-know Yunho with one word? OMG!
097. Describe Xiah Jun Su with one word? CUTE!
098. Describe Micky with one word? Charming
099. Describe Max Chang Min with one word? Getting Mature((:
100. Ur wish for TVfXQ in this uncoming year 2006? Hold more concerts! Maybe a new album? Jux dun tire urselves((:

I think i mux be very free to do this test. AHHHS! Haha... i'm pro:D
WAHH... found this on a TVXQ forum, Ehhh... ppl do this too! Maybe except the last 20 Questions. It's quite fun lah...

I say. 1:05 PM

Friday, June 01, 2007

I decided to blog after changing my blog skin. LOL and it's now 12.50am:D Had been attending remedial lessons in sch for a week. It's getting boring... haix. O levels is BORING! Can't think straight right now.I wanna WATCH dramas! but i cant:(! They're addictive Just finished Dragon Zakura NICE NICE NICE! Makes me wanna study after watching it :D *TEPPEI!& YAMAPI!* If they can do it, SO CAN I! :D

HAVE u read THE LITTLE PRINCE? It's touching!(: Cant forget wad the fox told the prince. Who knows? I shall not say. LOL It's really a fact tt u may only mean a part of THAT person's life but THAT person may jux mean the whole world to u(: (Including ALL relationships xD) I think i'm not trying hard enough. I shld try harder :( Everyone have their own secrets. I have mine too, jux tt u dun realise it... Shall not talk bout it, makes me think alot :(

I want my choosey lover! haha.

I say. 12:50 AM


welcome to MY BLOG:D
Webmiss: CAiBEi
Begins in: 20011991
Purpose: Tell u MY Story(:

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TVXQ Rising Sun DVD



My Friendster -
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George -
Shusi -


Hosts: 001 002 003
Designer: P.A:D,


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